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Walking speed

MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
I realise that since we are starting off the TOB engine, the default animations will be the BG2 ones (although the BG1 animations will be available too, one way or another).

Thing is, the walking speed in BG2 was ridiculously fast, personally speaking, i much prefer the BG1 walking speed that was slower and more realistic.

This is a request, to have the option to adjust the walking speed so i can match the walking speed of BG1. It will affect both NPC and monster walking speeds as well in analogy.

Especially if some of us use the BG1 animations, having the BG1 walking speed would be like reliving the BG1 experience even closer to what it was.

I realise that this isn't overly important, and BG1 animations in BG2 walking speed work fine as well (like in IA mod), but if it's possible to add an option that allows for slower walking speed (not game speed), it would be nice.

Cheers :]


  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    One thing I really didn't like about BG1 was the slow speeds. But for those who want to restore that, I would recommend handling it via a tweak (already in BG2 Tweaks I think, right @CamDawg?).
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    If there is a tweak that i could use in BG:EE for it, i would gladly use it.

    I understand that not everyone likes the slower speed, but i dig it. If it's too much trouble making an option for that, a tweak would be fine yeah :]
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Yep, it's a component of BG2 Tweaks so it should work just fine on BGEE.
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited September 2012
    @CamDawg i see, that's cool, but is the fact that the BG walking speeds are in Beta something to worry about or not? (unless the BETA thing beside it means something else of course)

    Also, using BG2 Tweaks, do you have the option to actually choose what to include and what not? Or it all comes together? It's quite a lot of stuff, 5 categories with tons of stuff each :]

    Edit : Never mind, i see now you can select what you wish.

    Ace :>
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    Um, there is a slight problem with BG1 walk speed.

    I have the BG1 walking speed, but everyone else is moving at BG2 walk speed. How come this happens?
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Mornmagor said:

    Um, there is a slight problem with BG1 walk speed.

    I have the BG1 walking speed, but everyone else is moving at BG2 walk speed. How come this happens?

    Eh, that's just an extra difficulty level.
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    What game are you playing, Mornmagor? I believe there were some issues with the walking speeds component (at least when it was in TutuFix) but I don't recall exactly what the issues were. Should be more documentation on
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited September 2012
    Oh, i used BGT, used infinity animations (remember previous thread we talked in? :p) and added bg2 tweaks - only the BG walk speed.

    My char moves slower as intended, but everyone else on Candlekeep+ is moving like a pro :P

    So yeah, i don't know if this will work in BG:EE as it should. Aka, will it slow everyone down, or just the PC plus party? I can tweak my speed via shadowkeeper also, but we will need something to affect everyone's and everything's speed.

    Oh well.
    Post edited by Mornmagor on
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    That may be intended, Mornmagor. I've never used that component (I like walking fast :P). But you may want to ask in its forum or tag someone like CamDawg or cmorgan who might have more experience with it. But I think the original developer(s) have not been around for a while (may have been SimDing0 or someone, don't know offhand).
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    @Miloch i made a post in the forum, thanks for the info.

    I have trouble believing it is intended, since the mod slows down my character only, while everyone else, NPC friend or foe moves at BG2 speed.

    I included the mods i installed in order, in case there is a problem with that, but other than that, i have no idea what seems to be the problem.

    I installed BGT, then Infinity Animations, then BG2 Tweaks - BG walk speed.

    I wonder if i should install BG2 tweaks first before IA.

    Oh well, i'll see.
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    I don't think install order matter much between BG2 Tweaks and Infinity Animations. I don't think IA affects walking speeds at all, though one thing did just occur to me. Different animations move at different rates, so if (for example) you changed all your party to use BG1 animations and everyone else has BG2 animations, then you might notice a difference. On the other hand, that is almost impossible to do IIRC and that speed difference may already have been accounted for.

    Anyway, I think it is a known issue with the Walking Speeds component of BG2 Tweaks but I'll flag @CamDawg and @cmorgan who may know more about it.
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    Yeah i hope they can shed some light in the situation.

    Every NPC i encountered so far uses BG1 animations, same as me and my party. They move faster than me, all of them. I can change my party through Shadowkeeper, but everyone else might be a problem.

    Oh well, if i can't fix it, i'll just not use the component and walk fast instead, although i prefer the slower walk, makes it feel more real, or that i'm not participating in a walking marathon :P

    Anyway cheers :]
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    It's flagged as beta mainly because the early versions in the Tutu Fixpack crashed the game something awful. It's stable now, though it's still crappy--the animations move at speeds they weren't intended for, so they tend to glide when walking and look wonky. Movement increase effects don't affect the speed of the animation cycle.
  • ryu1ryu1 Member Posts: 76
    I also much prefer the walking speed of BG1, I personally found that I spent a lot more time cooing at the very beautiful and awesome visual graphics when I followed my party. In BG2, I pretty much had to constantly move the cursor because of the quick walking speed. Yes, I could have paused the game or stopped them from moving but it still felt like they were wearing the boots of speed!

    I hope there will be an option to choose walking speeds from BG1 and BG2 although I somehow doubt it :(
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    What about the Framerate options in the Config? I realize that speeds up combat, but I find it hard to play a game without restoring to 60 Frames (instead of the classic BG's 30)... that's the only thing that was in fact blocking me from playing Planescape Torment to begin with >.<
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    The fix for BG1 walking animations does not work 100% anyway, it's better to use the default BG2 ones, no matter what animations you use.

    If you set the game to widescreen mode, the BG2 speed looks natural enough, so even if there is no way to restore the walking animations, i don't have a problem any more :p
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    Having become accustomed to characters using both the boots of speed and the cheetah amulet from ToB, returning to someone using less than both items, is for me annoyingly slow. I think if there is any speed modification done to movement it should be in the form of an adjustable slider (like with difficulty) so that each user can decide for themselves how fast or slow they want their characters to move. I think that it would be very difficult to please everyone by picking a particular speed, so giving users the choices is the best way to ensure that people are not annoyed by whatever speed is chosen.
  • ryu1ryu1 Member Posts: 76
    Let's hope there will be a choice between walking speeds. I don't want to feel like I'm playing BG2 again even since it's going to be using the BG2 engine but we will have to wait and see.
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