New here, just wanted to say hi

I'm new here but have been lurking around this forum and I just wanted to say hi. I've recently pre-ordered my copy of BGEE and I'm really excited to get playing it. I've never owned BG1 or 2 but I played BG1 a few times back in '99. I never got the chance to finish it though but it was a game I never forgot. Its too bad we have to wait so long but I'm sure our patience will pay off! I've been a fan of the RPG genre since about the age of 6 when I first played The Legend of Zelda on my Nintendo. My PC is starting to age a bit and wont play some of the newest games out there and unfortunately I'm going to have to wait quite some time to play Diablo 3 which is a huge disappointment, but then I found out about BGEE and untied the noose from around my neck.
If you've only played part of BG1 and it left such an impression on you... wait till you get to BG2.
That is most probably the best RPG I've -ever- known... and I must've spent at least a 1,000 hours on it, if not more, and still not bored! And most other games have trouble getting 50 hours of me.
@FaerieFire68, I have never heard of anyone quitting before the end so it wouldn't end, though I have felt that way about many books and Final Fantasy 10 but I never considered stopping. Maybe one day when you are very old you will finish!
@Excalibur_2102, I wasn't really going to hang myself, just being melodramatic!