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New here, just wanted to say hi

Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
I'm new here but have been lurking around this forum and I just wanted to say hi. I've recently pre-ordered my copy of BGEE and I'm really excited to get playing it. I've never owned BG1 or 2 but I played BG1 a few times back in '99. I never got the chance to finish it though but it was a game I never forgot. Its too bad we have to wait so long but I'm sure our patience will pay off! I've been a fan of the RPG genre since about the age of 6 when I first played The Legend of Zelda on my Nintendo. My PC is starting to age a bit and wont play some of the newest games out there and unfortunately I'm going to have to wait quite some time to play Diablo 3 which is a huge disappointment, but then I found out about BGEE and untied the noose from around my neck.


  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Hey and welcome. If you went since '99 without finishing BG, hopefully you can stand two more months. It will likely be very worth it in your case.
  • FaerieFire68FaerieFire68 Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2012
    I agree !!!
    Shin said:

    It will likely be very worth it in your case.

    BG is one of my all time favorite games , I never DID finish it though never wanted the game to end, I'd always stop at Baldur's gate . Welcome to a fun filled time in Faerûn :)
  • eksterekster Member Posts: 234
    Hi, and welcome!

    If you've only played part of BG1 and it left such an impression on you... wait till you get to BG2. :D
    That is most probably the best RPG I've -ever- known... and I must've spent at least a 1,000 hours on it, if not more, and still not bored! And most other games have trouble getting 50 hours of me. :p
  • BaldgeekBaldgeek Member Posts: 29
    Well, well I thought I was the only one here to not have played through BG1 and BG2 .. I've played NWN to death and though it's got it's high points (specifically the multiplayer base that is still active after all these years) I have to say that BG brings to these experiences something more PnP that NWN may have left behind .. in part I'm sure due to the varying editions of D&D the two games are based on ... anyway I digress.. welcome!!
  • EidolonEidolon Member Posts: 99
    Welcome! And you are going to enjoy Baldur's Gate 2 to death!
  • TetraploidTetraploid Member Posts: 252
  • Metal_HurlantMetal_Hurlant Member Posts: 324
    Hi and welcome.
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    Please dont hang yourself over diablo 3, it really isnt worth it. In fact, dont hang yourself over any game! lol
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    I beat Baldur's Gate 1 and got to the place where the Drows were in Baldur's Gate is truly a one of a kind game. It's a pity that they decided to make Neverwinter Nights instead of Bsldur's Gate 3.
  • odeeodee Member Posts: 87
    Heya , welkum to the fellowship of bhaalspawn
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    @AdventSign NwN was a different kind of game. They wanted a fully open toolset and it achieved that in spades. I would have loved a better campaign, but it was a success. The best BioWare is BG, KOTOR and ME. I also like DA: O, but find it boring for future playthroughs.
  • NathanNathan Member Posts: 1,007
    @Kristie83 Hi! Welcome, and we're doing our best to ensure that everyone's patience is well rewarded! =)
  • @AdventSign NwN was a different kind of game. They wanted a fully open toolset and it achieved that in spades. I would have loved a better campaign, but it was a success. The best BioWare is BG, KOTOR and ME. I also like DA: O, but find it boring for future playthroughs.

    Not comparing to the BG series by any means...But the HOTU campaign in NWN1 was great, and i had a quite a bit of fun. But i agree with you the initial campaign felt very bland (SOU was good, but not great like HOTU)
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96

    @AdventSign NwN was a different kind of game. They wanted a fully open toolset and it achieved that in spades. I would have loved a better campaign, but it was a success. The best BioWare is BG, KOTOR and ME. I also like DA: O, but find it boring for future playthroughs.

    Not comparing to the BG series by any means...But the HOTU campaign in NWN1 was great, and i had a quite a bit of fun. But i agree with you the initial campaign felt very bland (SOU was good, but not great like HOTU)
    I actually do agree with you regarding HotU. It is the reason why I played it for the time I did. I tried some of the tool sets that came with the game....very complicated but it was definitely worth it to learn. I still prefer Baldur's Gate however.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    Hi thar! Welcome to the community :)
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I'm sure it will be worth the wait! I'm glad to hear that BG2 is as good as 1, they are going to make BG2EE right?

    @FaerieFire68, I have never heard of anyone quitting before the end so it wouldn't end, though I have felt that way about many books and Final Fantasy 10 but I never considered stopping. Maybe one day when you are very old you will finish!

    @Excalibur_2102, I wasn't really going to hang myself, just being melodramatic!
  • KaxonKaxon Member Posts: 156
    Likewise, even though I loved the BG games, it took me about 5 years to finish BG2 the first time because it's just such a huge game. I would play a ton for a little while and then I'd get distracted... then a year later I'd be like "oh yeah I should try to finish BG2" and I'd play a bunch more for a little while.
  • KaxonKaxon Member Posts: 156
    Oh and welcome, and yes they're doing BG2EE after BGEE comes out.
  • EidolonEidolon Member Posts: 99
    Welcome, and you are going to enjoy BG1 and BG2. Both are the absolute best games I've ever played, and even though I played them already, I'm as excited as you for the release of BG:EE and BG2:EE.
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