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Regeneration and Save files

moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
edited November 2012 in Original BG2 Bugs
I've noticed a small bug on my current Tutu playthrough.

Issue: My half-orc fighter has 20 CON, which grants him a small amount of regeneration over time. I've noticed on some occasions when I load a quicksave all of his HP have recovered despite being nearly dead when the quicksave was saved.

It doesn't always happen, however it was happening often enough that all I needed to do was to continually reload a quicksave until I got this result. Admittedly PCs who have 20+ CON are few and far between so it's not a gamebreaker.

Expect Result: HP should remain the same and not magically increase back to full if you have regen after loading a save.
Post edited by Balquo on


  • Roller12Roller12 Member Posts: 437
    edited September 2012
    i have this too in bg2, quite an old vanilla bug.
  • dragozadragoza Member Posts: 12
    When my main character is damaged. I just need to quicksave and reload 2 or 3 times in a row. After that, my character's Health is full.
  • LifatLifat Member Posts: 353
    Do you have 20 CON? If you do then maybe it is because of your regeneration?
  • dragozadragoza Member Posts: 12
    Yeah i Have 20 Con.
    Example : if my caracter have 3/82 hp and a quick save and load the game again, my character is now 82/82 right after the loading!
  • LifatLifat Member Posts: 353
    It shouldn't happen that fast. But it may have something to do with the Con score + save/load. I at least haven't experienced it.
  • ArcadorArcador Member Posts: 22
    What happens - When we load a multiplayer game, distribute characters and begin playing, Kagain is always on Full health. Other characters remain at the same hp.

    Expected - Kagain stays at the same hp after loading a game.

    My guess is it's something related to his 20 Con and regeneration.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Is this really only in multiplayer?
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I've had this in single player with a horc with 20 Con, reported below;
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Thanks. I agree, the two are the same problem. Someone please merge.
  • Wikkid_SuhnWikkid_Suhn Member Posts: 136
    I have this issue with Kagain when reloading a game in single player. I notice it when someone levels up and I reload for better HP gain
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    When my character dies, the game over screen plays, and I'm prompted to reload afterwards, doing so will heal Kagain and CHARNAME (both with CON 20, enough to regenerate all damage upon travel/rest) to full. I don't know what causes it, but if both of them were near death when it happens, then it makes me kind of feeling like cheating.

    Sure, I could just reload again, but I often don't quite even notice before it's too late. Or I quicksave as a reflex once I've dealt with the foe that originally killed me.
  • ShrimpShrimp Member Posts: 142
    I was going to report this, but I see it's a well-known bug. Does it only work with 20+ CON, or will any regeneration effect trigger it? Also, the odds of the full healing occurring seems to be around 1/10 in my current game, it's pretty random.
  • MelicampMelicamp Member Posts: 244
    I've noticed that Kagain, who regenerates because of his natural 20 Constitution score, will sometimes regenerate large amounts of health really quickly. Once I reloaded and he was healed. I reloaded again and he wasn't... I don't know it seems to jump around... anyone else notice this or am I just going nuts?
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Sometimes when I reload after he's hurt, all his damage is healed. Anyone else with a 20 con character seeing this? Seems odd.
  • KifadaKifada Member Posts: 17
    My half-orc has Constitution 20 (19+Manual of bodily health), so he should be regenerating at some (very slow) rate. The problem is that sometimes, after reloading a saved game, the character gets completely healed.
    Any ideas about which timer regeneration effects are based on? Maybe an ingame vs real time clock problem?

  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    It happened to me the same in BG2, but I also had Draw Upon Holy Might (Bhaalspwan Power) activated, the first time, I had about 50%, I saved, accidentally stepped into a trap (you cannot use Thieving Abilities while wearing armor heavier than studded leather, and I tend to use hotkeys, so I didn't realized what I was doing) then I loaded, and had full HP, but I was so impressed that I stepped into the trap (again!! :P) and reloaded, then he had the 50% he had at saving.
  • IllittiIllitti Member Posts: 17
    I realize this is an old topic but is there any fix to this? It's ruining my playthrough by making it a walk in the park.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited December 2013
    Illitti said:

    I realize this is an old topic but is there any fix to this? It's ruining my playthrough by making it a walk in the park.

    But... You have a free full health for saving and loading......
    Load the save again and it should work OK.
  • IllittiIllitti Member Posts: 17
    CrevsDaak said:

    But... You have a free full health for saving and loading......
    Load the save again and it should work OK.

    True, but I don't want to have full HP on reload, that's ridiculous. While reloading a couple of times does fix the problem, that's something I'd have to do every time I'm transitioning between areas or loading from save, which is aggravating to say the least. The problem occurs maybe 90% of the times I reload, so I'd have to be tapping that L button for quite a while.

    Anyways, since as far as I understand it, the root of the problem lies in a way that the game engine interprets the passing of time while loading, that's far out of my scope to fix and probably something Overhaul should look at. In the meantime, I edited HPCONBON.2da to fix this locally by simply removing the CON regeneration altogether. I realize it's not an optimal solution but it works for me, since CON regen on my high health character feels so insignificant to begin with. If anyone else is desperate to get this fixed in exchange for the loss of CON HP regen, I have attached my edited HPCONBON.2da to this post, just place it in the Override folder. I've only tested it in BGEE but it should work in BG2EE as well since the two files are identical between the games.
  • IllittiIllitti Member Posts: 17
    Illitti said:

    If anyone else is desperate to get this fixed in exchange for the loss of CON HP regen, I have attached my edited HPCONBON.2da to this post, just place it in the Override folder.

    Ah, the forum doesn't allow to attach the file. Well, here's a pastebin of it.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    For future files just zip them first.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    It ever got fixed by reloading, and if not, why won't you want full health?
    Harm your self with spells or with your party.
    Or with an enemy/charmed guy if you're soloing.
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