Regeneration and Save files

I've noticed a small bug on my current Tutu playthrough.
Issue: My half-orc fighter has 20 CON, which grants him a small amount of regeneration over time. I've noticed on some occasions when I load a quicksave all of his HP have recovered despite being nearly dead when the quicksave was saved.
It doesn't always happen, however it was happening often enough that all I needed to do was to continually reload a quicksave until I got this result. Admittedly PCs who have 20+ CON are few and far between so it's not a gamebreaker.
Expect Result: HP should remain the same and not magically increase back to full if you have regen after loading a save.
Issue: My half-orc fighter has 20 CON, which grants him a small amount of regeneration over time. I've noticed on some occasions when I load a quicksave all of his HP have recovered despite being nearly dead when the quicksave was saved.
It doesn't always happen, however it was happening often enough that all I needed to do was to continually reload a quicksave until I got this result. Admittedly PCs who have 20+ CON are few and far between so it's not a gamebreaker.
Expect Result: HP should remain the same and not magically increase back to full if you have regen after loading a save.
Post edited by Balquo on
Example : if my caracter have 3/82 hp and a quick save and load the game again, my character is now 82/82 right after the loading!
Expected - Kagain stays at the same hp after loading a game.
My guess is it's something related to his 20 Con and regeneration.
Sure, I could just reload again, but I often don't quite even notice before it's too late. Or I quicksave as a reflex once I've dealt with the foe that originally killed me.
Any ideas about which timer regeneration effects are based on? Maybe an ingame vs real time clock problem?
Load the save again and it should work OK.
Anyways, since as far as I understand it, the root of the problem lies in a way that the game engine interprets the passing of time while loading, that's far out of my scope to fix and probably something Overhaul should look at. In the meantime, I edited HPCONBON.2da to fix this locally by simply removing the CON regeneration altogether. I realize it's not an optimal solution but it works for me, since CON regen on my high health character feels so insignificant to begin with. If anyone else is desperate to get this fixed in exchange for the loss of CON HP regen, I have attached my edited HPCONBON.2da to this post, just place it in the Override folder. I've only tested it in BGEE but it should work in BG2EE as well since the two files are identical between the games.
Harm your self with spells or with your party.
Or with an enemy/charmed guy if you're soloing.