Beamdog Future Projects - Toolset Suggestions

We have no idea what they might be planning for the future, but one aspect I would really like them to include would be a full Toolset and necessary infrastructure to be able to create servers/persistent worlds.
I have ran/built persistent worlds for NWN2, and would love to see a new medium like it for any future games. Hopefully Forgotten Realms, which would be my own preference.
A toolset of course would not be well suited to a game based on pre-drawn backgrounds like the infinity engine.
I have ran/built persistent worlds for NWN2, and would love to see a new medium like it for any future games. Hopefully Forgotten Realms, which would be my own preference.
A toolset of course would not be well suited to a game based on pre-drawn backgrounds like the infinity engine.
Post edited by nlyh on
There must be hundreds, if not thousands of people having got these games just for the modding and server potential. I've heard loads of comments from people saying they have not even played the OC.
And I'm not saying there's not many people who would pay for toolset support, I just doubt it's as many who would want those same resources used for more content. Plus toolsets don't mean you'll have better mods. The best mods I've played have been for games where there's no toolsets to create content (The infinity engine games, Paradox games, etc.).
Personally I would like them to have a 3D engine, with a similar approach to NWN2, but much more refined.
Neverwinter Nights 1 also had no issues to speak of with wasting development time on a Toolset. (From what I recall)
Thousands of people have played that game alone over the years purely on online servers. That game's reputation would not be as grand as it is today if it had no toolset capability that led to all the additional content. (It's OC was certainly not "great", especially coming off the back of BG:SoA)
And I'm not saying the toolsets are bad for everyone. I'm sure you, and many others, have enjoyed them immensely. What I'm saying is that they make games worse for me. And so when on a public forum people ask for them to be included I'm going to make my own voice be heard as well. I offer no disrespect, it's purely a preference thing.
Personally as long diehard fan of the NWN franchise I think it would be unspeakably awesome if Beamdog does an Enhanced Edition of either NWN1 or 2, to upgrade and expand those games with new content. Just imagine how much it could revitalize the old community and bring in lots of new people too, just like the Enhanced Editions of the Infinity engine games have done thus far.