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F/M/T Question

Diomedes33Diomedes33 Member Posts: 144
So I started a new game as F/M/T and about 5 hours in he seems to be slightly less tanky then a fighter but the mage spells certainly make him more versatile. I do have one question for the community here though. What weapon should I be running with?
During my creation my choice was between two handed sword or long sword and shield. As I began to play though I wondered about short sword and backstabbing..? Not even sure how backstabbing works in this game honestly, I dont see any special ability on the action bar that says "Backstab" Do you just go behind a monster and autoattack?


  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    To Backstab you need to be in sneak mode and then hit a monster from behind. It will only work with a Thief specific weapon. (Dagger, Short Sword, Club, etc.) It can do great damage if you're willing to take time to invest in your sneaking skills and set up the attack.

    As a triple class though, backstabbing probably wont be something you want to focus on. Your levels will come slower, so you'll probably want to focus more on your opening locks and trap removal first. However, as a mage, you can use invisibility instead of stealth. So you do have options.
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    I think there is a slight preference for focusing on 2 handed weapons, quarterstaffs, and greatswords. One of the most damaging weapons in the game for backstabbing is a quarterstaff. Longsword is also a nice choice. You have a chance to get a great longsword near the end of SoA, if your willing to become evil. You can backstab with longswords, but not with 2handed swords. I would generally backstab with the staff and quickswitch to the two hander.

    Going a dual wield route is also a fun choice. Using the offhand with various weapons for their effects.

    I completed a FMT run not to long ago and I did focus on stealth and backstab. It wasn't solo, so FMT would walk stealthed in front of another thief who was detecting traps. If an enemy appeared, charname would see it first and not be detected while the enemy wouldn't see the trap detector standing behind him. FMT would start the fight with a backstab, maybe cast mirror image, and continue fighting. All the focus would be on him, leaving the rest of the team to just take pot shots.
  • Diomedes33Diomedes33 Member Posts: 144
    edited April 2016
    Thats pretty much how my game is going now except I have been starting fights off with a fireball or a flame dart. I see now how backstabbing might be a better for an ambush. But me and Edwin can really lay some damage down with webs and fireballs before a pack of monsters even get to us.

    As example would be the sewer fight with that pack of over powered early game guys. I know where they are, so I just stop before I see them, Edwin and I stand side by side just far enough so they dont see, one cast web in front between us and the pack, then both cast fireball activating the pack. Once they aggro, One casts flame dart on the mage while the other readies another fireball.

    That opening can trivialize a lot of encounters
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @Diomedes33 Pop some stoneskin and mirror image on and he's much tankier than a fighter.

    I recommend any weapons you can backstab with if that interests you. That means any weapon a pure thief can use. To backstab you must be hidden (not necessarily sneaking @CutlassJack) and behind your opponent. Late game you can use Mislead to be remain constantly hidden, every hit being a backstab. It's super powerful.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 638
    You'll have UAI HLA.. so.. carsomyr, of course.

    50% magical resistance, to avoid your own protections being removed.. and dispell on hit..

    It's pretty close to making any other choice of weapon meaningless, when combined with mage spells.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Khyron said:

    50% magical resistance, to avoid your own protections being removed..

    Most spells that remove protections will ignore MR.
  • AewyrvenAewyrven Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2016
    Imho the fmt is adding thief so you can findtrap openlock. The ftr is so you can 2 prof up (which doesnt really affect much) and the mage is for the juicy defense and offense buffs.

    If you're looking for the stoneskin ghost armor go do a shadowdancer mage. This way you can backstab and buff/cast during combat and shadowstep out of danger if needed. (Least that's what I'm considering)
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