Keyring for important keys, or other unlocking thingys

Hey, im not 100% sure someone didn't mention something like this. But because i didn't find it on forum i wanted to suggest adding keyring for all that super important keys and other simmilar stuff.
Instead to inventory it would be added there so we won't missplace it
Instead to inventory it would be added there so we won't missplace it
Makes no sense you can't sell "Gorion's Scroll" from the ambush area, which is a story related item, but you *can* sell Marrianne's husband's letter that you get south of Beregost, which is an actual quest item. Same thing for items like Perdue's short sword, which looks exactly like a regular short sword and can be vendored.
If it's too much to ask, a simple bag of holding in BG1 would do the trick as well
Already has implemented most of what you ask for:
- Sellable items (can finally do something with those pointless letters etc.)
- Add bags of holding (and other such containers)
A special container just for quest items might be hard to implement, since there is not a special item type for quest items (and bags are restricted to the item types you can put in them). But having a separate container you can put such items in should solve that (and thus the Tweak should address it).