[MOD] FG Kits - Updated v1.2

Edit: Updated with v1.2
Edit: Updated with v1.1
Edit: Installation fixes.
A small project that I really wanted to do. Adds a few kits to the game.
1) Forest Warden - Fighter Kit
A druidy fighter.
2) Halfling Marshal - Fighter Kit - Revised
A slightly paladin flavoured fighter!
3) Defender - Druid Kit - Revised
A reverse Avenger; defensive flavoured.
4) Invader - Druid Kit
Another reverse Avenger; offensive flavoured.
5) Cataphract - Ranger Kit
A melee frontliner.
6) Artillier - Ranger Kit
An entrenchment ranger.
7) Novice - Thief Kit
A pre-dual classing thief kit
8) Trickster - Thief Kit
A standard Sorcerer/Thief kit
9) Agent - Thief Kit
A Spontaneous Cleric/Thief kit
10) Seeker - Thief Kit
A Shaman/Thief Kit
I appreciate feedback. Are these overpowered? Underpowered?
Edit: Updated with v1.1
Edit: Installation fixes.
A small project that I really wanted to do. Adds a few kits to the game.
1) Forest Warden - Fighter Kit
FOREST WARDEN: By focusing on the arboreal aspects of the wild under the patronage of the Oak Father Silvanus, the Forest Warden has found himself surging with primal power. This power slowly transforms him into a sentient embodiment of nature.
– +1 bonus to Strength and Constitution.
– May use the Ingrain ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1.
INGRAIN: The Forest Warden regenerates 2 Hit Points (+2 every 2 levels) every round for 5 rounds. While regenerating the Forest Warden cannot move, has his Dexterity halved, and gains a 25% penalty to Fire Resistance.
– May use the Spruce Strength ability once per day. Gains one use at level 4, and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
SPRUCE STRENGTH: For 1 turn the Forest Warden gains a 25% penalty to Fire Resistance and a 50% movement rate penalty. In exchange he receives a +2 bonus to Armor Class, and all melee attacks made by the Forest Warden cause an additional 1d4 crushing damage plus 1 point per 2 levels to all enemies in a 10-ft. radius of the impact.
– May use the Snapthorns ability once per day. Gains one use at level 7 and an additional use every 7 levels thereafter.
SNAPTHORNS: The Forest Warden targets a point within 45 feet. For 1 turn all enemies in a 30-ft. radius of that point must are drawn towards it, and take 1d6 piercing and 1d6 slashing damage unless they make a Save vs. Breath.
– Alignment must have a neutral component.
– -2 Penalty to Dexterity.
– Gains a 35% weakness to fire.
– May only wear leather, studded leather, and hide armor.
– May not exceed High Mastery (four slots) in any weapon druids can use.
– May not exceed Proficiency (one slot) in any other weapon.
Refinements HLA - Oakheart (replaces Resist Magic, maximum 1 pick)
The Forest Warden deepens their connection to the natural world, turning further into a tree. Gains a base Armor Class of 5, an additional 50% weakness to fire, and a 20% resistance to Piercing damage. +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution, -4 penalty to Dexterity. The Forest Warden also cannot be affected by poison, entangling effects, and mind affecting effects.
– +1 bonus to Strength and Constitution.
– May use the Ingrain ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1.
INGRAIN: The Forest Warden regenerates 2 Hit Points (+2 every 2 levels) every round for 5 rounds. While regenerating the Forest Warden cannot move, has his Dexterity halved, and gains a 25% penalty to Fire Resistance.
– May use the Spruce Strength ability once per day. Gains one use at level 4, and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
SPRUCE STRENGTH: For 1 turn the Forest Warden gains a 25% penalty to Fire Resistance and a 50% movement rate penalty. In exchange he receives a +2 bonus to Armor Class, and all melee attacks made by the Forest Warden cause an additional 1d4 crushing damage plus 1 point per 2 levels to all enemies in a 10-ft. radius of the impact.
– May use the Snapthorns ability once per day. Gains one use at level 7 and an additional use every 7 levels thereafter.
SNAPTHORNS: The Forest Warden targets a point within 45 feet. For 1 turn all enemies in a 30-ft. radius of that point must are drawn towards it, and take 1d6 piercing and 1d6 slashing damage unless they make a Save vs. Breath.
– Alignment must have a neutral component.
– -2 Penalty to Dexterity.
– Gains a 35% weakness to fire.
– May only wear leather, studded leather, and hide armor.
– May not exceed High Mastery (four slots) in any weapon druids can use.
– May not exceed Proficiency (one slot) in any other weapon.
Refinements HLA - Oakheart (replaces Resist Magic, maximum 1 pick)
The Forest Warden deepens their connection to the natural world, turning further into a tree. Gains a base Armor Class of 5, an additional 50% weakness to fire, and a 20% resistance to Piercing damage. +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution, -4 penalty to Dexterity. The Forest Warden also cannot be affected by poison, entangling effects, and mind affecting effects.
A druidy fighter.
2) Halfling Marshal - Fighter Kit - Revised
HALFLING MARSHAL: Not all halflings are content to enjoy peace and quiet in their townships. Halfling Marshals act as sheriffs and army commanders in, around, and beyond their communities, giving a proactive and protective face for the short folk.
– Receives a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws.
– May use the Adrenaline Rush ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1.
ADRENALINE RUSH: The marshal is healed 1 hit point per level, and he is also hasted for 5 rounds. At level 10 the haste effect turns into an improved haste effect.
– May use the Focus Formation ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1, one use at level 4, and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
FOCUS FORMATION: All allies in a 30-ft. radius centred on the marshal gain a +1 bonus to-hit and damage rolls for every other ally within a 15-ft. radius of themselves. This bonus lasts for 1 turn.
– Race restricted to halfling.
– Alignment restricted to good.
– May not wield any two-handed weapons, except for shortbows.
Refinements HLA - Arvoreen's Blessing (replaces War Cry, maximum 5 picks)
Arvoreen imbues the Marshal with the strength of one of his honored dead, giving the marshal a +6 bonus to hit and damage, and a +4 bonus to their Armor Class and saving throws for 5 rounds. All allies in a 30-ft radius of the marshal receive the same bonus but at half strength.
– Receives a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws.
– May use the Adrenaline Rush ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1.
ADRENALINE RUSH: The marshal is healed 1 hit point per level, and he is also hasted for 5 rounds. At level 10 the haste effect turns into an improved haste effect.
– May use the Focus Formation ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1, one use at level 4, and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
FOCUS FORMATION: All allies in a 30-ft. radius centred on the marshal gain a +1 bonus to-hit and damage rolls for every other ally within a 15-ft. radius of themselves. This bonus lasts for 1 turn.
– Race restricted to halfling.
– Alignment restricted to good.
– May not wield any two-handed weapons, except for shortbows.
Refinements HLA - Arvoreen's Blessing (replaces War Cry, maximum 5 picks)
Arvoreen imbues the Marshal with the strength of one of his honored dead, giving the marshal a +6 bonus to hit and damage, and a +4 bonus to their Armor Class and saving throws for 5 rounds. All allies in a 30-ft radius of the marshal receive the same bonus but at half strength.
A slightly paladin flavoured fighter!
3) Defender - Druid Kit - Revised
DEFENDER: A member of a special sect within the druidic order, a Druid of this type is dedicated to preserving those who would protect nature. At the expense of some of her druidic talents, a Defender has come into communion with the deities of the natural world to gain special abilities and rituals.
– +2 bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution
– Seven cleric spells are added to her repertoire, all the way up to 7th level. These are listed below:
1st level: Resist Fear
2nd level: Aid
3rd level: Remove Curse
4th level: Divine Power
5th level: Raise Dead
6th level: Bolt of Glory
7th level: Greater Restoration
– Cannot use Shapeshift.
– May not use scimitars, daggers, spears or darts.
Refinements HLA - Has Avenger's table, but with Divine Shell instead of Comet.
– +2 bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution
– Seven cleric spells are added to her repertoire, all the way up to 7th level. These are listed below:
1st level: Resist Fear
2nd level: Aid
3rd level: Remove Curse
4th level: Divine Power
5th level: Raise Dead
6th level: Bolt of Glory
7th level: Greater Restoration
– Cannot use Shapeshift.
– May not use scimitars, daggers, spears or darts.
Refinements HLA - Has Avenger's table, but with Divine Shell instead of Comet.
A reverse Avenger; defensive flavoured.
4) Invader - Druid Kit
INVADER: A member of a special sect within the druidic order, a Druid of this type is dedicated to reverting civilization back to its primal roots. The Invader's dedication to his cause has focused his training towards talents that other druids would find exceptional at the price of defense.
– May Specialize (two slots) in any weapon available to druids
– Seven cleric spells are added to his repertoire, all the way up to 7th level. These are listed below:
1st level: Command
2nd level: Silence, 15' Radius
3rd level: Glyph of Warding
4th level: Mental Domination
5th level: Slay Living
6th level: Blade Barrier
7th level: Finger of Death
– May not wear any armor.
Refinements HLA - Has Avenger's table, but with Storm of Vengeance instead of Comet.
– May Specialize (two slots) in any weapon available to druids
– Seven cleric spells are added to his repertoire, all the way up to 7th level. These are listed below:
1st level: Command
2nd level: Silence, 15' Radius
3rd level: Glyph of Warding
4th level: Mental Domination
5th level: Slay Living
6th level: Blade Barrier
7th level: Finger of Death
– May not wear any armor.
Refinements HLA - Has Avenger's table, but with Storm of Vengeance instead of Comet.
Another reverse Avenger; offensive flavoured.
5) Cataphract - Ranger Kit
CATAPHRACT: The Cataphract's focus on melee combat has left her inept at dealing with ranged opponents, but has lead to the Cataphract becoming a one woman wall against foes. At their best battling a multitude of enemies face first, the Cataphract's blows strikes land like a wave crashing upon the shore.
– Receives a +1 bonus to Armor Class vs. crushing, piercing and slashing attacks for every enemy within a 15-ft. radius.
– May use the Tidefall ability once per day. Gains one use at level 4, and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
TIDEFALL: All successful melee attacks within the next 10 seconds have the following cumulative effects according to the level of the Cataphract:
4th level: Deals a 1 points of crushing damage per level to enemies in a 140 degree cone with a 10-ft. radius.
8th level: The Cataphract is healed for 1 Hit Point for every enemy in the cone.
12th level: Enemies in the cone must Save vs. Breath at a +2 bonus or be knocked off their feet for 2 rounds.
16th level: The cone increases to 20-ft.
– Gains a 25% weakness to missile damage.
– Has a 50% penalty to Hiding in Shadows.
– May not use ranged weapons.
– -4 penalty to hit and damage with ranged components of melee weapons.
Refinements HLA - One Stands Alone (replaces Smite, maximum 1 pick)
After a multitude of campaigns on the frontlines, the Cataphract has become extremely at ease at being on the frontlines. For every enemy within a 20-ft radius, the Cataphract receives an additional +2 bonus to Armor Class vs. crushing, piercing and slashing attacks, +1 bonus to all saving throws.
– Receives a +1 bonus to Armor Class vs. crushing, piercing and slashing attacks for every enemy within a 15-ft. radius.
– May use the Tidefall ability once per day. Gains one use at level 4, and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
TIDEFALL: All successful melee attacks within the next 10 seconds have the following cumulative effects according to the level of the Cataphract:
4th level: Deals a 1 points of crushing damage per level to enemies in a 140 degree cone with a 10-ft. radius.
8th level: The Cataphract is healed for 1 Hit Point for every enemy in the cone.
12th level: Enemies in the cone must Save vs. Breath at a +2 bonus or be knocked off their feet for 2 rounds.
16th level: The cone increases to 20-ft.
– Gains a 25% weakness to missile damage.
– Has a 50% penalty to Hiding in Shadows.
– May not use ranged weapons.
– -4 penalty to hit and damage with ranged components of melee weapons.
Refinements HLA - One Stands Alone (replaces Smite, maximum 1 pick)
After a multitude of campaigns on the frontlines, the Cataphract has become extremely at ease at being on the frontlines. For every enemy within a 20-ft radius, the Cataphract receives an additional +2 bonus to Armor Class vs. crushing, piercing and slashing attacks, +1 bonus to all saving throws.
A melee frontliner.
6) Artillier - Ranger Kit
ARTILLIER: Although some marksman may be faster or more skilled, none can outdistance an Artillier. Having trained specifically to unleash projectiles at extreme distances, the Artillier can cause havoc from afar but depends on her traps, or their allies, to protect themselves at close ranges.
– May achieve High Mastery (4 slots) in any ranged weapon.
– May use Cloudpiercer ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1, and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
CLOUDPIERCER: This ability has a 150-ft. range and can be used on any target that an ally has vision of; however it must be used outdoors. The Artillier pauses for 1 and a half rounds then releases a projectile that has the following cumulative effects according to the level of the Artillier:
1st level: Deals 1d8 Hit Points of piercing damage per level of the Artillier. A successful Save vs. Breath halves the damage.
8th level: Target suffers a 50% movement rate penalty for 1 turn if a Save vs. Death with a +2 bonus is failed.
15th level: Deals 1 Hit Point of piercing damage per level of the Artillier to all everyone in a 15-ft. radius of the target. A Save vs. Breath with a +2 bonus halves the damage.
22th level: Target is slain if a Save vs. Death with a +4 bonus is failed.
– May use Set Snare ability (like a member of the Thief class) once per day. Gains one use at level 1, and an additional use every 5 levels thereafter. The Artillier's base chance to succeed starts at 15% and increases by 7% every level, with a maximum chance of 99% at 13th level.
– May cast Farsight as an innate ability once per day. Gains one use at level 8, and an additional use every 8 levels thereafter.
– Receives a +1 penalty to Armor Class for every enemy within a 20-ft. radius.
– May not wear armor heavier than studded leather.
– May not use melee weapons.
Refinements HLA - Swift Strike (replaces Precision in the Archer's table, maximum 1 pick)
Experience with driving countless projectiles through the air refines the Artillier's technique. The Artillier's has a permanent +1 bonus to Dexterity, -2 bonus to Speed Factor, and the delay between initiating and releasing Cloudpiercer is reduced to half a round.
– May achieve High Mastery (4 slots) in any ranged weapon.
– May use Cloudpiercer ability once per day. Gains one use at level 1, and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.
CLOUDPIERCER: This ability has a 150-ft. range and can be used on any target that an ally has vision of; however it must be used outdoors. The Artillier pauses for 1 and a half rounds then releases a projectile that has the following cumulative effects according to the level of the Artillier:
1st level: Deals 1d8 Hit Points of piercing damage per level of the Artillier. A successful Save vs. Breath halves the damage.
8th level: Target suffers a 50% movement rate penalty for 1 turn if a Save vs. Death with a +2 bonus is failed.
15th level: Deals 1 Hit Point of piercing damage per level of the Artillier to all everyone in a 15-ft. radius of the target. A Save vs. Breath with a +2 bonus halves the damage.
22th level: Target is slain if a Save vs. Death with a +4 bonus is failed.
– May use Set Snare ability (like a member of the Thief class) once per day. Gains one use at level 1, and an additional use every 5 levels thereafter. The Artillier's base chance to succeed starts at 15% and increases by 7% every level, with a maximum chance of 99% at 13th level.
– May cast Farsight as an innate ability once per day. Gains one use at level 8, and an additional use every 8 levels thereafter.
– Receives a +1 penalty to Armor Class for every enemy within a 20-ft. radius.
– May not wear armor heavier than studded leather.
– May not use melee weapons.
Refinements HLA - Swift Strike (replaces Precision in the Archer's table, maximum 1 pick)
Experience with driving countless projectiles through the air refines the Artillier's technique. The Artillier's has a permanent +1 bonus to Dexterity, -2 bonus to Speed Factor, and the delay between initiating and releasing Cloudpiercer is reduced to half a round.
An entrenchment ranger.
7) Novice - Thief Kit
NOVICE: The Novice dreams of being able to use magic and she spends their time researching magical theory in preparation for this. Studying spellcasting techniques is expensive however, and the Novice dabbles in thievery in order to fund her learning.
– -1 bonus to casting speed.
– May memorize additional Level 1 spells. Gains one extra spell at 2nd and 7th level.
– May memorize additional Level 2 spells. Gains one extra spell at 4th and 9th level.
– May memorize additional Level 3 spells. Gains one extra spell at 6th and 11th level.
– May memorize additional Level 4 spells. Gains one extra spell at 8th and 13th level.
– May memorize additional Level 5 spells. Gains one extra spell at 10th and 15th level.
– May memorize additional Level 6 spells. Gains one extra spell at 13th and 18th level.
– May memorize additional Level 7 spells. Gains one extra spell at 15th.
– May memorize an additional Level 8 spells at 17th level.
– May memorize an additional Level 9 spells at 19th level.
– May only distribute 20 skill points per level among thieving skills.
– 15% penalty to experience gained while a single class thief.
– Gains Set Snare ability uses later than a normal thief, with one use at level 5 and an additional use every 5 levels thereafter.
– -1 to backstab multiplier compared to an unkitted Thief:
Level 1-4: x1 (no multiplier)
Level 5-8: x2
Level 9-12: x3
Level 13+: x4
Refinements HLA - Inspiration (replaces Nerve Poison in Assassin's table; maximum 1 picks)
The Novice's extensive research and practice has resulted in unique insights. The Novice can memorize an additional spell per level, and they receive a -2 casting speed bonus.
– -1 bonus to casting speed.
– May memorize additional Level 1 spells. Gains one extra spell at 2nd and 7th level.
– May memorize additional Level 2 spells. Gains one extra spell at 4th and 9th level.
– May memorize additional Level 3 spells. Gains one extra spell at 6th and 11th level.
– May memorize additional Level 4 spells. Gains one extra spell at 8th and 13th level.
– May memorize additional Level 5 spells. Gains one extra spell at 10th and 15th level.
– May memorize additional Level 6 spells. Gains one extra spell at 13th and 18th level.
– May memorize additional Level 7 spells. Gains one extra spell at 15th.
– May memorize an additional Level 8 spells at 17th level.
– May memorize an additional Level 9 spells at 19th level.
– May only distribute 20 skill points per level among thieving skills.
– 15% penalty to experience gained while a single class thief.
– Gains Set Snare ability uses later than a normal thief, with one use at level 5 and an additional use every 5 levels thereafter.
– -1 to backstab multiplier compared to an unkitted Thief:
Level 1-4: x1 (no multiplier)
Level 5-8: x2
Level 9-12: x3
Level 13+: x4
Refinements HLA - Inspiration (replaces Nerve Poison in Assassin's table; maximum 1 picks)
The Novice's extensive research and practice has resulted in unique insights. The Novice can memorize an additional spell per level, and they receive a -2 casting speed bonus.
A pre-dual classing thief kit
8) Trickster - Thief Kit
TRICKSTER: The Trickster may take formal study later in her life but for now she only dabbles in casting arcane magic. Coming at the cost of her thieving abilities, the Trickster considers this a more then adequete price to pay for different opportunities for mischief.
– Gains Arcane Tricks, giving the Trickster the ability to cast certain amount of Wizard spells per day. The amount of spells cast per day, and which spells able to be cast, are as follows.
Level 1:
Colour Spray, Friends, Magic Missile, Sleep, Spook
Gains one use at level 1, and additional uses at levels 3, 5, and 7
Level 2:
Blur, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Luck, Mirror Image
Gains one use at level 4, and additional uses at levels 6, 8, and 10
Level 3:
Dispel Magic, Haste, Non-Detection, Slow
Gains one use at level 7, and additional uses at levels 9, 11, and 13
Level 4:
Confusion, Greater Malison, Improved Invisibility, Wizard Eye
Gains one use at level 10, and additional uses at levels 12, 14, and 16
Level 5:
Domination, Lower Resistance, Shadow Door
Gains one use at level 13, and additional uses at levels 15, 17, and 19
– Alignment restricted to non-lawful
– May only distribute 15 skill points per level (25 at level 1) among thieving skills.
– May not cast Tricks wearing studded leather armor or heavier.
– May not use Set Snare ability.
– -2 to backstab multiplier compared to an unkitted Thief:
Level 1-8: x1 (no multiplier)
Level 9-12: x2
Level 13+: x3
Refinements HLA - Arcane Trick: Level 6 (replaces Nerve Poison in Assassin's table; maximum 4 picks)
Extensive familiarity with magic has given the Trickster the abiility to cast the following Level 6 Wizard Spells:
Improved Haste, Mislead, Pierce Magic
– Gains Arcane Tricks, giving the Trickster the ability to cast certain amount of Wizard spells per day. The amount of spells cast per day, and which spells able to be cast, are as follows.
Level 1:
Colour Spray, Friends, Magic Missile, Sleep, Spook
Gains one use at level 1, and additional uses at levels 3, 5, and 7
Level 2:
Blur, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Luck, Mirror Image
Gains one use at level 4, and additional uses at levels 6, 8, and 10
Level 3:
Dispel Magic, Haste, Non-Detection, Slow
Gains one use at level 7, and additional uses at levels 9, 11, and 13
Level 4:
Confusion, Greater Malison, Improved Invisibility, Wizard Eye
Gains one use at level 10, and additional uses at levels 12, 14, and 16
Level 5:
Domination, Lower Resistance, Shadow Door
Gains one use at level 13, and additional uses at levels 15, 17, and 19
– Alignment restricted to non-lawful
– May only distribute 15 skill points per level (25 at level 1) among thieving skills.
– May not cast Tricks wearing studded leather armor or heavier.
– May not use Set Snare ability.
– -2 to backstab multiplier compared to an unkitted Thief:
Level 1-8: x1 (no multiplier)
Level 9-12: x2
Level 13+: x3
Refinements HLA - Arcane Trick: Level 6 (replaces Nerve Poison in Assassin's table; maximum 4 picks)
Extensive familiarity with magic has given the Trickster the abiility to cast the following Level 6 Wizard Spells:
Improved Haste, Mislead, Pierce Magic
A standard Sorcerer/Thief kit
9) Agent - Thief Kit
AGENT: The gods sometimes finds themselves in need of an individual of discretion; someone able to fulfill their agenda without drawing attention to the god themselves. The Agent is one such individual, a devoted enough to their god that she has been granted special abilities to perform their duty without asking, and without acclaim.
– Gains Divine Acts, giving the Agent the ability to cast certain amount of Priest spells per day. The amount of spells cast per day, and which spells able to be cast, are as follows.
Level 1:
Armor of Faith, Command, Doom, Remove Fear, Sanctuary
Gains one use at level 1, and additional uses at levels 3, and 5
Level 2:
Chant, Find Traps, Hold Person, Silence, Slow Poison
Gains one use at level 4, and additional uses at levels 6, and 8
Level 3:
Glyph of Warding, Invisibility Purge, Miscast Magic, Remove Paralysis
Gains one use at level 7, and additional uses at levels 9, and 11
Level 4:
Cloak of Fear, Death Ward, Lesser Restoration, Negative Plane Protection
Gains one use at level 10, and additional uses at levels 12, and 14
Level 5:
Flame Strike, Raise Dead, Righteous Magic
Gains one use at level 13, and additional uses at levels 15, and 17
– Alignment restricted to non-chaotic
– May only distribute 20 skill points per level (30 at level 1) among thieving skills.
– May not use Set Snare ability.
– -1 to backstab multiplier compared to an unkitted Thief:
Level 1-4: x1 (no multiplier)
Level 5-8: x2
Level 9-12: x3
Level 13+: x4
Refinements HLA - Divine Act: Level 6 (replaces Nerve Poison in Assassin's table; maximum 3 picks)
Great piety to her god has given the Agent the ability to cast the following Level 6 Priest spells:
Blade Barrier, Bolt of Glory, Heal
– Gains Divine Acts, giving the Agent the ability to cast certain amount of Priest spells per day. The amount of spells cast per day, and which spells able to be cast, are as follows.
Level 1:
Armor of Faith, Command, Doom, Remove Fear, Sanctuary
Gains one use at level 1, and additional uses at levels 3, and 5
Level 2:
Chant, Find Traps, Hold Person, Silence, Slow Poison
Gains one use at level 4, and additional uses at levels 6, and 8
Level 3:
Glyph of Warding, Invisibility Purge, Miscast Magic, Remove Paralysis
Gains one use at level 7, and additional uses at levels 9, and 11
Level 4:
Cloak of Fear, Death Ward, Lesser Restoration, Negative Plane Protection
Gains one use at level 10, and additional uses at levels 12, and 14
Level 5:
Flame Strike, Raise Dead, Righteous Magic
Gains one use at level 13, and additional uses at levels 15, and 17
– Alignment restricted to non-chaotic
– May only distribute 20 skill points per level (30 at level 1) among thieving skills.
– May not use Set Snare ability.
– -1 to backstab multiplier compared to an unkitted Thief:
Level 1-4: x1 (no multiplier)
Level 5-8: x2
Level 9-12: x3
Level 13+: x4
Refinements HLA - Divine Act: Level 6 (replaces Nerve Poison in Assassin's table; maximum 3 picks)
Great piety to her god has given the Agent the ability to cast the following Level 6 Priest spells:
Blade Barrier, Bolt of Glory, Heal
A Spontaneous Cleric/Thief kit
10) Seeker - Thief Kit
SEEKER: The Seeker has always heard the voices in her ears but they were not the angry or sorrowful wails of the departed. Instead she heard the murmurs of the trees, the breaths of animals, the songs of the land and sky. It is these that empower the Seeker and give her her magic.
– Gains Primal Whispers, giving the Seeker the ability to cast certain amount of Priest spells per day. The amount of spells cast per day, and which spells able to be cast, are as follows.
Level 1:
Bless, Doom, Entangle, Shillelagh, Spirit Ward
Gains one use at level 1, and additional uses at levels 3, and 5
Level 2:
Barkskin, Charm Person or Mammal, Flame Blade, Goodberries, Writhing Fog
Gains one use at level 4, and additional uses at levels 6, and 8
Level 3:
Call Lightning, Hold Animal, Spiritual Clarity, Summon Insects
Gains one use at level 7, and additional uses at levels 9, and 11
Level 4:
Call Woodland Beings, Neutralize Poison, Poison, Spirit Fire
Gains one use at level 10, and additional uses at levels 12, and 14
Level 5:
Ironskin, Pixie Dust, Recall Spirit
Gains one use at level 13, and additional uses at levels 15, and 17
– Alignment must have a neutral component.
– May only distribute 20 skill points per level (30 at level 1) among thieving skills.
– Gains Set Snare ability uses later than a normal thief, with one use at level 1 and an additional use every 7 levels thereafter.
– -2 to backstab multiplier compared to an unkitted Thief:
Level 1-8: x1 (no multiplier)
Level 9-12: x2
Level 13+: x3
Refinements HLA - Divine Act: Level 6 (replaces Nerve Poison in Assassin's table; maximum 3 picks)
Attuning her spirit closer to the primal world has given the Seeker the ability to cast the following Level 6 Priest Spells
Conjure Animals, Dolorous Decay, Spiritual Lock
– Gains Primal Whispers, giving the Seeker the ability to cast certain amount of Priest spells per day. The amount of spells cast per day, and which spells able to be cast, are as follows.
Level 1:
Bless, Doom, Entangle, Shillelagh, Spirit Ward
Gains one use at level 1, and additional uses at levels 3, and 5
Level 2:
Barkskin, Charm Person or Mammal, Flame Blade, Goodberries, Writhing Fog
Gains one use at level 4, and additional uses at levels 6, and 8
Level 3:
Call Lightning, Hold Animal, Spiritual Clarity, Summon Insects
Gains one use at level 7, and additional uses at levels 9, and 11
Level 4:
Call Woodland Beings, Neutralize Poison, Poison, Spirit Fire
Gains one use at level 10, and additional uses at levels 12, and 14
Level 5:
Ironskin, Pixie Dust, Recall Spirit
Gains one use at level 13, and additional uses at levels 15, and 17
– Alignment must have a neutral component.
– May only distribute 20 skill points per level (30 at level 1) among thieving skills.
– Gains Set Snare ability uses later than a normal thief, with one use at level 1 and an additional use every 7 levels thereafter.
– -2 to backstab multiplier compared to an unkitted Thief:
Level 1-8: x1 (no multiplier)
Level 9-12: x2
Level 13+: x3
Refinements HLA - Divine Act: Level 6 (replaces Nerve Poison in Assassin's table; maximum 3 picks)
Attuning her spirit closer to the primal world has given the Seeker the ability to cast the following Level 6 Priest Spells
Conjure Animals, Dolorous Decay, Spiritual Lock
A Shaman/Thief Kit
I appreciate feedback. Are these overpowered? Underpowered?
Post edited by FailGeek on
1)IMHO their aligment should be restricted to Lawful rather than good. They're a sort of police force and commanders right?
2)"May not exceed Specialization in X type of weapons" is absolutely worthless as a disadvantage, in all kit mods I've seen it acts as a sort of "well, I had to give the kit SOME disadvantage!" scapegoat. "May not exceed Specialization" period would be better.
Has potential, the kits seem interesting.
EDIT: also, I cant install it in BGEE+SOD
@subtledoctor Cheers! Thanks for covering.
@toolarg It should work standalone now if you want to download the new update (1.0a); no more having to copy the 2da file from somewhere else if you want to reinstall.
Thieves next.
Next to be done: 2 Fighter kits, and 1 thief kit.
@toolarg. Hey, I finally revised the Halfling Marshal kit. I figured I may as well force the weapon restriction that I wanted the kit to have with effects on the items.
EDIT: actually I think I figured it out, sorry for the trouble.
Anyways, for those of you who want to install these kits in IWD:EE 2.5 beta, you need to open Setup-FG_Kits.tp2 and replace
"ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~bgee bg2ee eet~ THEN BEGIN //Detection - Game: Checks"
ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~bgee bg2ee eet iwdee~ THEN BEGIN //Detection - Game: Checks
Then it'll work fine. The mod does actually check for IWD:EE a few lines afterwards if it doesn't detect BG:EE or BG2:EE but for some reason that check doesn't work with IWD:EE 2.5 beta, so you gotta do the edit
I think these kits are worth it, some are quite original.
I wish I had his/hers creativity.