Companions Who Vanish vs Companions Who Don't

Is there a list somewhere of which companions vanish forever when you boot them from your group and which don't (and where the ones you don't set up shop if you want to pick them up again?)
I'm asking mostly because I thought I might try and do every companion's side quest this playthrough but it's hard to juggle party members given that sometimes when some of the balls leave your hand they never land back in the other one.
I know that some party members also have a bit of a timer on how long they can stand having their quest unresolved, and others don't, and was wondering if there was a list of those as well so I knew who to resolve quests for first.
I'm asking mostly because I thought I might try and do every companion's side quest this playthrough but it's hard to juggle party members given that sometimes when some of the balls leave your hand they never land back in the other one.
I know that some party members also have a bit of a timer on how long they can stand having their quest unresolved, and others don't, and was wondering if there was a list of those as well so I knew who to resolve quests for first.
1. You must take Khalid and Jaheira to Nashkel (the town) and speak with the mayor in order to complete their "quest."
2. The same must be done with Xzar and Montaron.
3. Minsc will eventually leave if you do not rescue Dynaheir.
4. Coran will eventually leave if you do not complete the wyvern quest.
5. Xan will supposedly leave permanently if you are rude to him during expulsion from the party.
6. Kivan will supposedly disappear if released from the party.
Having stumbled upon the Companions page on the wikia, it seems to be fairly comprehensive (if a bit scattered and not exactly in list form), but I'm wondering if all the same things apply to EE as apply to the original, i.e. Kivan still perma-vanishes upon release in EE? that seems like one of those bugs to clear up when making an EE of the original but maybe people like to keep in some bugs for old times sake
it seems like the list is
For Sure Vanish
Kivan (will leave if removed from the party)
Xan (speak politely or neutral to him or he leaves)
Finish Quest Quickly or Vanish
Minsc of course wishes Dynaheir freed
Coran wishes to face Wyverns in the fourth Cloakwood forest
Vanish If Declined Upon Meeting
Montaron and Xzar
Yeslick Orothair
Shar Teel (challenges, and therefore requires, male party member)
No Mention of Vanishing If Dropped Once Recruited
Dynaheir and Minsc
Jaheira and Khalid
Montaron and Xzar
Skie Silvershield
Yeslick Orothair
Explicitly Listed As Not Vanishing
Ajantis Ilvastarr
Alora (joining requirement)
that's the other thing I guess is wondering who has quests and who doesn't, like for instance I don't remember Ajantis having a quest and I don't see one listed but also I'm not sure how comprehensive the wiki is
"No problem" characters are only restricted by their alignment , so don't kick the goody's if your rep is very low (4ish i think) and the baddy's if your rep is very High (18+)
-Ajantis Ilvastarr, no Problem.
-Alora, no Problem.
-Branwen, no Problem.
-Coran. Kill a Wyvern in the Wyvern cave and return the head to Beregost Temple before removal and he stays for good.
-Dynaheir , Minsc , Edwin. (don't speak to edwin at all) Invite Minsc , Rescue Dynaheir , return to Nashkel and invite Edwin. all 3 are now happy with being removed and reinvited.
-Montaron,Xzar,Khalid and Jaheira , all 4 Must be in your party before visiting Nashkel or the Carnival the very first time (if you explore a lot they will nag but sooner or later stop) to complete the quest , after that no problem.
-Imoen no Problems.
-Faldorn grab her on route to the Cloakwood Mines and once they are flooded no problems (even killed her high shadowdruid with her and she didn't complain).
-Kivan , don't even look at him until you are Able to visit the Bandit camp.
Talk to Officer Vai.
Grab Kivan.
kill all enemy's in the Bandit camp and finish of that Part.
return to Officer Vai, sell your scalps and talk to her again without any in your inventory she then will move on to baldurs gate and Kivan is here to stay.
-Kagain move North of Beregost and his quest will be instantly finished.
-Quayle , just be nice to him , no problem
-Shar-Teel be or have a Male in your party , after she challenged your strongest man she gets a slap in the face and no problems.
-Tiax RULES THEM ALL...ehh problems...
-Viconia , no problem
-Xan , be nice to him , no problem
-Yeslick pick him up in the Mines , no problem
-Baeloth dont kill him! , no problem (always returns friendly arm ,outside wall to the east)
-Rasaad , No problem (always returns to nashkel)
-Neera , acts like shes hurt but no problems (always inside the Friendly arm)
-Dorn , no problem (also inside the friendly arm)
-Safana , grab before entering the Pirate cave (looting the +1con book will finish her quest) no problems from there.
- Garrick , no problems (but don't turn him away the first time or hes gone for good)
-Eldoth, Skie , grab eldoth , go to the Silvershield estate and grab Skie (invisibility 10 m very useful make sure eldoth is visible before you speak to her or she runs off) after that no problem.
There we go , don't lose them in the Tall Grass Trainer !
edit- Word salad Fixes...
I'm just going to add a "quest list" that is super tentative based on what the wikia mentions to round off these lists
No Quest After Joining
Kagain (sort of, bugged quest that doesn't complete? or is that fixed?)
Skie Silvershield (but there's the Elkart blackmail thing, it's just not a quest exactly)
Viconia (arguably the 800 XP for killing her upon meeting her is a Good party quest in and of itself lmao)
Yeslick (flooding the mines can happen without him afaik)
and of course all the EE-exclusive Companions have quests
EVERY EVIL companion will leave if your reputation is too high when you release them (above 18) and EVERY GOOD companion will leave if your reputation is too low when you kick them out (i think it's 3 or less but it's been a while since my last evil playthrough).
That said, Xar and Montaron will disappear permanently if you reject them the first time.
Khalid and Jaheira will leave if you don't take them to Nashkel and will dissapear if you don't pick them up before completing the mines.
Minsk will leave if you don't rescue Dynaheir and I think Edwin has some urgency to meet her too.
Safana will leave if you don't steal the stash in the cave behind the sirines.
Kagain will leave if you don't check the roads and get his dialogue about being tired of wandering (most of us do this without even noticing).
Viconia and Dorn will stay after you help them and they drop your reputation when in the party so you can use them to release evil characters without them disappearing forever.
Yeslick and Branwen will stay after you rescue them.
Ajantis is somewhat picky about evildoers but I think same reputation condition applies as with every other GOOD character.
Kivan is tricky, he actually has a quest, which is to meet certain boss in chapter 4 if I don't remember incorrectly but he is available in chapter 1. So if you pick him in chapter 1 and want him to stay, you'll have to rush to chapter 4 as fast as you can, which is almost impossible with a character starting at lvl1.
Xan, I've mistreated him quit a lot and he's never left but he disappears for sure if you reject him at the bottom of the mines. I'm not sure if he disappears after a while if you complete them and don't talk to him. I'm pretty sure I've completed the mines without talking to him and returned to pick him up after in vanilla version but i've always entered the mines with a party of five ever since.
Garrick, Shar-teel and Alora will stay after you complete the quests where you pick them. Shar-teel is prone to start fighting other party members, some more than others, but she's awesome thief dual
Baeloth just don't kill him and don't be too goody-doody as every other evil character. He stays OUTSIDE the outer wall of the Friendly Arm Inn (lower right side of the screen).
Coran you need to kill a wyvern (and cash the reward?).
Faldorn, complete the chapter where you meet her with her in the party (not sure if there's a timeframe, I think not).
Quayle is an acquired taste and will rub onto you no matter what.
Tiax RULES. And is quite more useful than he used to be since 2.0. Same goes with Eldoth and Skie. I used to stay at lvl2 and keep an average lvl2 party in order to pick Quayle, Tiax, Eldoth and Skie at the lowest lvl possible without modding. It was quite a chore. No longer needed now. It's better if you delay speaking to Eldoth until you've finished the quests in the forest where you find him and are already en route to the city of Baldur's Gate, so you can pick Skie without having him stay longer than needed (i like them both quite a bit, though they are somewhat useless at times).
Rasaad will return to Nashkel if released, Dorn and Neera will go to the Friendly Arms Inn's bar (ground floor).
I'm not sure if Imoen leaves if you are a murderous SOB according to her good alignment, will check once I get home.
I think that's all of them. Post if having any issue.
However, the requirement is to go after the "Bandit camp". But, that means the area, not the actual fight.
When he warns that you need to go, simply move to the area, stay on the edge of the map, get the dialog, return to what you were doing if you want to.
Found this out because playing SCS/insane for the first time, read horror stories about the fight at the camp, find it nigh impossible to consider not picking up Kivan early, would have been swatted like a bug (I thought) if I attempted the fight.
Just as an aside, the actual camp fight with SCS was easier than ever because everybody, and I mean everybody, came out of tents and caves to fight, and were webbed and firebombed before I even saw them.
It took 1/2 hour of actual time to pick up everything because of the piles of stuff. The place was a ghost town.
I figure I'll do a Legacy of Bhaal playthrough very very prepared as a Blackguard with an Evil party one day though. Sounds like the way to go IMHO
you can do it otherwise if you like to be Infuriated and Frustrated.
Personally I've had weird stuff with Jaheira/Khalid. If I dismiss Jaheria while around neutral she will be more likely to say "okay but we wont wait here forever you know." And if you dismiss her when your reputation is high she will get really angry and calling you ungrateful and then leave for good.
This could also depend on what chapter you are in. I am not sure.
For people who want doing the same thing. A friend tell me you can always, using the console debug, making them come again. (It's a bit cheating but I think everybody play the way they want)