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PC has lost his mind. (Potential Spoilers?)

LarkairnLarkairn Member Posts: 22
So I have, within the last hour or so, imported my character from Siege of Dragonspear (Which I thoroughly enjoyed btw, it was fun to explore new locations again!). Anyhow, my newly imported character seems to have lost his damned mind, every ~5-10minutes or so he'll start initiating conversations to either himself or NPC's that are not present.

I'm getting the vibe that the game is confusing him somewhat with Haer'dalis? Despite me being a Fighter/Cleric (Pfft Bards). Is anyone else experiencing this strange issue?

Update: He just used a line of Imoen's dialogue WITH the voice acting. I'm going to stick this out and RP him as a mad man, so much for Chaotic Good.

/ don't respond.
Post edited by Larkairn on


  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Seems like a corrupted dialog.tlk. Did you have any mods installed before the patch? New patch adds lots of new strings to dialog.tlk, thus breaking mod compatibility and game text.

    Or are you still using the old voice set from sod? May be incompatibility between voice sets across games. Try an original bg2 voice set.
  • SkandiiSkandii Member Posts: 17
    When I took my character from sod to bg2, when I would select her, one of lilacor's lines would sound instead of a fem voice set. You just need to select another voice set since your sod one won't be in bg2.
  • Incantus89Incantus89 Member Posts: 28
    Or, just copy the sod voice set over, I had no issues doing so, well apart from my character clearly now mockin Irenicus by mimicing his voice (and it fits so well with a chaotic neutral jester...)
  • PteranPteran Member Posts: 388
    @Incantus89 How do you copy voicesets? I'd love to have more choices!
  • Incantus89Incantus89 Member Posts: 28
    Pteran said:

    @Incantus89 How do you copy voicesets? I'd love to have more choices!

    Ehm in the SOD folder there should be a sound folder somewhere, just copy the one you want for example the one I talked about is called male7 I think, then you just copy all the male7 files into BG2's sound folder and since BG2 only has 6 male voices you dont need to rename anything in this case.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Hey @Larkairn , would you not be mad after being tortured by a mad mage? I certainly would :smiley:

    More seriously, I believe lunar got the right answer. Did you have any mod before the update? Or did you install some after it? If you did, just name them and we'll try and solve your problem.
  • LarkairnLarkairn Member Posts: 22
    I believe I have one or two mods floating around, it's not so much of a problem really though. If anything it's kinda nice hearing him do the party banters of multiple characters I don't have with me.
  • RobertMcDuckRobertMcDuck Member Posts: 133
    Change voiceset.
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