Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure... with talking cats!

Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure is a Comedy Cosmic Horror Point And Click Adventure Game, or CCHPACAG for short, developed by Stuck In Attic. The funding goal set is CHF 39.270 (that's Swiss Francs for our non-european members). Currently, 572 backers have pledged CHF 10.765 within the last view days. This kickstarter campaign ends on Thursday the 5th of May 2016, 8:31PM CES. And I sure as hope we'll get to meet some of its insane stretch goals as well.

In a nutshell, Gibbous is all about:
- Classic point and click gameplay inspired by the great Lucas Arts games of yore!
- Traditional frame by frame animation, just like back in the days (well, maybe a bit more frames)
- Detailed, hand-painted background art!
- Hugely diverse orchestral soundtrack!
- Unique responses for item-hotspot combinations!
- A focus on exploration and examining the environment!
- Loving and respectful spoof of the Cthulhu Mythos
- DRM-free or Steam Key!
- Made in Transylvania!
Gibbous Demo downloads:
Windows Demo
Mac Demo
Linux Demo
Update #1: Comedy, cosmic horror, and more! Might contain video.
Hey there, fellow followers of the Old Ones! Liviu here, bringing you... *drumroll* the very first Gibbous Kickstarter update!
First of all, THANK YOU!
Before anything else, all of us here at Stuck In Attic want to express our gratitude for the incredible amount of love and support you backers showed us. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We are humbled.
It's been a great start: we made almost a quarter of the funding goal within the first 48 hours! We ain't out of the woods yet, though, so if you can share our Kickstarter with friends and family you think would enjoy the game, it would be incredibly helpful to us.
Comedy and cosmic horror? Whaaat?
As you can tell from the title, this update is fancy and themed: it's about comedy and cosmic horror. Can they be combined? Do they really work together? Is Tim Schafer naturally curly or does he use special hair products? Find out below, in our exciting first video update! ...Well, minus Tim's hair, we're still researching that.
PR, physical copies, and other scary stuff
We've been hard at work here at Stuck In Attic trying to spread the word as much as we can about this campaign. Some of us are still standing (well, sitting), braving the terrible, soul-freezing winds of PR on our computer-shaped barricades, while others...ahem, see below.
Three Point Oh, our Official Office Cat, buckled under the emotional pressure of Kickstarting Gibbous
We've been getting a lot of questions about a lot of stuff, especially about the physical rewards. I'm working really hard to be able to present you guys with details of the game box prototype - it'll happen soon! You're going to have to be a little patient, though - I knew this PR thing wouldn't be easy, but I've been typing away 12 to 14 hours a day eversince we launched - I hope I don't develop some Channel Tunnel-sized carpal tunnel. We will get around to clearing up all unanswered questions, I promise.
Let's plays!
Our Gibbous demo has been getting attention from some lovely Youtube let's-players. There are quite a few videos out there, and we've enjoyed them all! Kikoskia took his time and did exactly what we'd hoped: used everything on everything, The Space Quest Historian cast his critical eye on our puzzles... Well, I'll let you guys find out for yourselves: TaxOwlbear, Pa Sama, Clown Nebula, weRgame... If you haven't had time to check out the demo yet, this is the best way to vicariously experience Gibbous. And hey, if you have a favorite youtuber, drop him a message with a link to our website and our Kickstarter. Who knows, they might enjoy it!
In Closing
So, that was our first update! I really hope you liked it. Please let me know in the comments what you enjoyed about it, and what you didn't, too - I've been very emotional these couple of days, but I promise, no tears! Oh, and that goes for the game AND the campaign, too - please tell us what works and what doesn't for you. In adventure lingo, use criticism on game developer. We really mean it when we say we want to create this game as a collaboration with you guys.
Think about it like this: we're building this beautiful house together...except all the walls are crooked, tentacles and spiky vines are crawling from out of cabinets and cracks in the walls, and all you'll find in the fridge are already opened cans of cat food closely guarded by a jet-black, yellow-eyed feline that really, REALLY dislikes humans.
Love you all. Stay tuned for the next update!
Liviu, project lead, ruiner of keyboards
PS: Before I go, let me tell you guys about a couple of campaigns that caught our eye:
LUNA has a lot in common with us: it's a point and click puzzler, and it's traditionally animated! I played the demo and it felt like a cross between Miyazaki and Machinarium. Sounds good, right? Click the pretty picture to visit their campaign page.
LUX is also a hand-drawn game, but this time we're talking an ambitious survival MMORPG with so many mechanics and features that little old adventure gaming me can only say "Hey, this looks cool and complex, check it out!" Click below to visit their campaign page.
Bah, completely forgot to update the status of Gibbous.
It's been funded since a week ago. Yay!
Post edited by Kamigoroshi on
Gibbous has been released on steam and GOG now. A must buy for oldschool Point & Click adventure gamers and Lovecraft readers alike.