Anniversary Gift quest, Where is the giant spider silk for khalid? found 5 eggs, giant leg, no silk

I am trying to do the quest anniversary gift, I reloaded to prevent him from dying and made a peaceful solution at bridgefort he is back at camp and i need to find giant spider silk. I found five spiders eggs, a giant spider leg, dragon scales, beetle thing that made armor or shield like dragon scales, where is the spider silk for the quest anniversary gift?! Thank you.
In a Burrow/hole where some beetles are near.
I wish there was a way to "get rid" of Khalid for us evil players who want Jaheira though. lol. I gibbed him in BG1EE so seeing him back in SoD was WHY WON'T YOU DIE
I load save from almost beggining of chapter 10 and it worked when i bought aquamarine from camp merchant. So it needs to be resolved quickly or it gets stuck forever (actually tried many saves and only those before i left the camp first time worked). That is sadistic.
If he doesn't speak to you again, try force-speaking to him using the conversation icon.
I found loads of spider webs, which was annoying because for some reason you can't put it in a Bag of Holding.