Torchlight 2

Hi, is anybody else playing Torchlight 2 now that BG:EE has been delayed? I've started it, and my first impressions are that it is really, really good, or at least, it is if you like action, powerbuilding, loot-collection, single-toon RPG's.
It's so much better than Diablo 3, in my opinion, it's laughable. And, I'm "overjoyed", (using a hyperbole here), to have an ARPG to play that is in a league with Sacred 2 and Titan Quest. Diablo 3 was such a disappointment! They got so much wrong in the ARPG formula, I was sad.
And, Torchlight 2 was one-third of the cost of Diablo 3 - a brand new, contemporary game with beautiful graphics and engaging gameplay, for the same price as BG:EE.
What's not to love?
It's so much better than Diablo 3, in my opinion, it's laughable. And, I'm "overjoyed", (using a hyperbole here), to have an ARPG to play that is in a league with Sacred 2 and Titan Quest. Diablo 3 was such a disappointment! They got so much wrong in the ARPG formula, I was sad.
And, Torchlight 2 was one-third of the cost of Diablo 3 - a brand new, contemporary game with beautiful graphics and engaging gameplay, for the same price as BG:EE.
What's not to love?
Great fun. Just what I needed right now.
I agree about D3 sucking. It even makes me like Jennifer Hale just a little less and she's my favorite voice actress. That's how bad that game was.
Playing an awful lot of Minecraft as of late. And a freshly bought GOTY of Dead Island, gift from my very generous girlfriend
Guess I'll get into Torchlight 2 before too long. Although I still have a few games that I bought but never had the time to play...
(namely : ARMA 2 (for DayZ purposes), Assassin's Creed Revelations, Bastion, BIT.TRIP BEAT, Braid, Cave Story, Dawnguard, Deus Ex Human Revolution, LIMBO, Lone Survivor, Metal Gear Solid HD, Psychonauts, Space Chem, Spirits, Stronghold Crusader, Superbrothers : Sword and Sworcery, The Witcher 2, Uplink, Wizorb, X - beyond the frontier, X2 the Threat)
OK, that's more than "a few". And I even wanna buy the Humble Indie Bundle 6
I thought the art style was rubbish and I didnt like any of the classes.
And true, Diablo III had a medicore start and it was little dissapointing. Thing is, it becomes better and better after each patch.
Oh by the way. What do you mean about "ARPG formula"? Because Diablo series always was hack & slash with some elements from rpgs (character getting stronger) and that's it. To think that back in D2 days hardcore cRPG wans would decapitate anyone who claimed D2 was rpg... Rpg fans, what the hell hapened? Have you forgotten what computer role-playing game means?
The classes seem to have changed a little, but the art style is pretty much the same. I'm very excited to have more open, outdoors areas, and more than one town to visit!
T2 differs from D3 in that they went the opposite way with a lot of their game mechanics. In short, I think T2 "fixes" a lot of the things that D3 haters have been whining about, but that doesn't mean that people can't enjoy both. They're still pretty similar games, after all.
D3 had some absurd expectations to live up to, though. I'll admit it doesn't have the longevity of D2 in its current state, but I still played (and enjoyed) it for ~100 hours, which is pretty decent value for my $60, IMO.
Ok, I admit that people can enjoy both and that is OK. But, you'll have to be in really good financial shape to afford buying two simillar games. And because I'm not in such good shape, I will not buy Torchilight II. I'll rather save my money for something other.
The game is easy to get into, combat mechanics may seem simple but overall you can run some logistic behind it (skill that improves weapons first, skill that weakens enemies second, skill that slashes enemies third. Yeah, I am a Berserker alright XD ). Graphics might not be the best in the world but they ARE nice. Colorful yet dark when needed. Maps are nicely designed (maybe randomly generated?) and... should I talk about Fishing? I mean, I could spend DAYS doing that! XD
So far, so good. Not the hardest game on the normal difficulty setting either. Will have to try the other ones once I am done with the first run.
I like the visual style of the Torchlight universe as well. Whether or not one likes the "cartoonyness" of the graphics, the overall stylistic direction is an important part of what sets the game apart from Diablo and other similar games.
Oh, Mordrox was fun, and the Plunder Cove; gotta love pirates.
Edit: I just died..
So far, my level 8 prismatic bolts ember mage has not died. I've tried both a magma spear ember mage, and an ice bolts ember mage. I think it's prismatic bolts build for me. (Why in the world don't ice bolts do target seeking like prismatic bolts? I guess they were thinking that ice spec gets more powerful later on - "quadratic" progression, and all that.) And it kind of plays like a NWN magic missile specialist wizard or sorc (magic missiles, Isaac's storms in all your spell slots, plus spell penetration, spell focus, empowered spell, maximized spell, etc. - all the metamagic feats - it's a great build that rocks against dragon fights.)
I *love* my blue panther pet. He tanks for me, as every mage needs a good warder/bodyguard/tank to protect him. And animal companions are *so* much nicer to bond with than humans, who usually start complaining or trying to hook you into a romantic commitment or something lame like that.
In fact, my enjoyment of playing a mage with blue panther animal companion is inspiring me to want to try NWN again as a druid who focuses on buffing his panther animal companion with magic fang and awakening spells, and functions as a mage with his flame lash, call lightning (best offensive spell *ever* in NWN!), and ice storms. With access to healing spells, barkskin, and stoneskin, not to mention premonition, to boot. And I'm also getting inspired to try a totemistic druid in BG. If only I could control the spirit animal summoning to always get a cat!
And, OMG, fishing! Everything you can catch fishwise amounts to a Heal spell for your animal companion! Fish not only transform him or her into a stronger polymorphed form, they also cast Heal to full hit points! And then you can get goldfish worth over 700 gold, spell scrolls (which drop so rarely that spending time fishing is the only semi-reliable way you're ever going to get one), and unique items.
I think that I will often spend my downtime on working days, when I can't seriously play the game in combat, just playing the fishing mini-game! It will make my character/toon and my animal companion get more and more powerful the more I do it! Plus, you can unlock achievement medals! I just got my journeyman fisherman achievement unlocked last night!
This game is so freaking awesome! I can't gush about it enough!
Hack-and-slash isn't my favorite genre, but I'm still enjoying it a lot. I like the cartoony art-style better than Diablo's and I love the fact that the game is DRM free (I'd never buy Diablo 3 due to the crazy DRM even though it looked like a lot of fun).
The only complaint I have so far is that I'm playing a summoner character and the game doesn't have health bars for my minions, so I can't always tell when to summon new ones.