Imoen as elven thief/mage help needed.
in BG:EE Mods
I have played BG for many years and tried pretty much all of the mods. I would really like to see Imoen as an elven multi-class thief/mage. All the "personality" things like dialog would remain the same. Stats could be the same except for possibly a slight increase in strength. Probably a different portrait as well. I have tried using eeKeeper but can't seem to get her to memorize spells after the edit.
The problem is I don't have a clue on how to go about this. Also my overall computer skills are a little lacking. Is anyone interested in helping me and/or pointing me to something that will give me the information I need?
Thank you.
The problem is I don't have a clue on how to go about this. Also my overall computer skills are a little lacking. Is anyone interested in helping me and/or pointing me to something that will give me the information I need?
Thank you.
Also, in a new game tried decado's suggestion but I can not exit out of the level-up screen. The game hangs up there.