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How do I stop the constant status updates from my characters?

BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Just getting back into the game after many years. I'm using a script on my ranger that has her stealth out of combat. This means the status window constantly updates with the likes of:

"CHARNAME - Hide in Shadows Succeeded"
"CHARNAME - Hide in Shadows Succeeded"
"CHARNAME - Hide in Shadows Failed"
"CHARNAME - Leaving Shadows"
"CHARNAME - Hide in Shadows Succeeded"

And an audio file of my character telling me she's "hidden herself well" plays every single times she passes a stealth check. After a couple of hours, this is a bit annoying.

For reference:

Is there any way to turn any or all of this off short of changing the AI script? I poked around in the options but couldn't find anything.



  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    edited September 2012
    No way to disable the messages that I know of - hide in shadows is essentially a 6 second-duration ability that attempts to reapply itself every round unless you do something to cancel it, leading to those messages.

    As for the voice acknowledgements, those are part of the soundset and can't be disabled from within the UI, but you can simply delete or rename that particular soundfile to prevent it from playing.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    This is one of the reasons I argued against the use of scripts in game, and instead hide in shadows and bard song as togglable modes. It didn't get much support in the feature requests subforum becuase people were perfectly happy uning scripts :/
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    @ajwz I did not see this thread you speak of, but you have my support. I believe they should be togglable. I also think if the ability needs you to be stationary you should have to turn it off before you can move. Many a time I have cancelled effects by accident due to movement >.<
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Have you tried turning off all the command character sounds (options > Sound > Character Sounds)?
  • BugratBugrat Member Posts: 118
    All you need to do is go into the files for the voice set you're using and replace the "on stealth" voice clip with an empty WAV file with the same name as the original file.

    I can't help you find the right files to do this, because I'm not a modder. But I've had someone on G3 walk me through how to fix Valygar's sound files in this same way in the past. So if you list which voice set you're using then perhaps someone with familiarity with the files who frequents this forum can pinpoint which file you need to edit.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Thanks everyone for the replies!

    @Shin and @Bugrat Modding the wav files is good advice, and something I'll definitely research a bit. I'm not sure the tradeoff is worth it. (It's not that I mind the audio update itself, just that I don't want it repeated on an endless loop!).

    @ajwz Agree. I like scripts when they can compensate for the UI's shortcomings. I wouldn't mind a toggle, either. I'd just prefer it if the UI *only* updated the player when a character's state changed, ie the first time they go into stealth and if/when it breaks. Updating every 6 seconds seems excessive.

    @decado Good tip. I thought that one would be it, but unfortunately it still plays when you have command sounds completely off.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Okay, I found a partial solution.

    Going into Options > Gameplay > Feedback and turning off "Miscellaneous" stops the constant stream of text updates. The audio file still plays every 6 seconds, but at least that's something.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Ah, that's cool. Though doesn't turning miscellaneous off disable various other updates as well? I guess it might be worth it in your case, of course.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    @Shin From what I can tell, it turns off minor updates like XP numbers from killing mobs, failure to force or pick locks, and state changes like going into/out of stealth and searching for traps.
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