BG2 Characters Reimagined in RPG Maker

I just spent most of the day reimagining various NPCs from baldurs gate 2 in my version of the RPG maker character creation ending.
I thought I might as well share them here.
The engine is somewhat limited which means I had to get creative for some of the NPC's. But I'm mostly pleased with the results

This one is relatively faithful, and I'm happy with it
I thought I might as well share them here.
The engine is somewhat limited which means I had to get creative for some of the NPC's. But I'm mostly pleased with the results

This one is relatively faithful, and I'm happy with it
A bit lacking in warpaint but overall pretty decent
yes plenty of artistic license here
Well, half orcs dont really fit in anime style, but I think I captured the blackguardyness if nothing else
I'm very pleased with how this one turned out
Which RPG Maker are you using?
Again, some artistic liscense.
Not entirely happy with this. He needs his viking hat. I think the eyepatch works though
Another one of my favourites.
I couldn't get her skin colour quite right
Meh. Not pleased with this
Not a great one to finish. I'm not sure about the wizard ha, but otherwise she looks too similar to Imoen
How about some villains? Irenicus, Sarevok, Melissan?