Need help picking interesting NPCs for my party

In honor of the new Baldur's Gate game I'm going to start a complete playthrough with a custom party. This is something I've always wanted to do but never got around to. However, I don't want to forgo the fun of having the NPCs around for their banter. Therefore I am going to use EE keeper to "paste" my custom characters onto the NPCs in my party.
The primary consideration for selecting NPCs will be how interesting they are to have around, as they'll all be plenty strong after editing. It would also be nice if the NPCs halfway matched up with the class they're going to be switched to, but this isn't an absolute requirement. I'm currently considering the following composition for my party:
Dwarven Defender
Dragon Disciple
I'd prefer my PC to be either the Skald or Dragon Disciple, but I'd still consider any of the others except for the Shaman (no BG2 stronghold). My PC will be either good or neutral, but I wouldn't rule out an evil NPC if they're interesting and can coexist with my party (assuming I keep my reputation at 18 or below).
All recommendations are welcome, and there's really no right or wrong answer. After seeing everyone's advice I'll weight the options and let you know who I chose. Thanks in advance for your help.
The primary consideration for selecting NPCs will be how interesting they are to have around, as they'll all be plenty strong after editing. It would also be nice if the NPCs halfway matched up with the class they're going to be switched to, but this isn't an absolute requirement. I'm currently considering the following composition for my party:
Dwarven Defender
Dragon Disciple
I'd prefer my PC to be either the Skald or Dragon Disciple, but I'd still consider any of the others except for the Shaman (no BG2 stronghold). My PC will be either good or neutral, but I wouldn't rule out an evil NPC if they're interesting and can coexist with my party (assuming I keep my reputation at 18 or below).
All recommendations are welcome, and there's really no right or wrong answer. After seeing everyone's advice I'll weight the options and let you know who I chose. Thanks in advance for your help.
Jaheira, Minsc, Viconia, etc...
i myself keep my Reputation around 10-18, cheap store prices maybe great but once you Reach Baldur's Gate you swim in gold anyhow and ending the game with 250k or 300k doesn't really matter...
and which NPC are interesting is in the eye of the Beholder...some people Loooove Neera ... i just want to Strangle her with her own Entrails....still i keep her around until i can go to her Map and finish off that Quest..
Maybe turn the fighter/thief into a mage/thief. Invisibility is great to rebackstab and he could add versatility to your arcane spells.
Neera - doesn't irritate me at all - I think she is light and a bit anxious but other wise a bright personality that lifts some of the heaviness of the game. The thing that bugs me about her is the thing that makes her part of the interesting thing about the game - she's a wild mage and after being polymorphed into a wolf by accident it can it somewhat of a trial with her at times.
I like Dorn - serious, fully of vengeance but also thoughtful at times and a bit lonely. Being a half-orc is difficult and he knows it.
Viconia - I like her at times but her drowness once in a while bothers me - she starts speaking in drow and making comments like "nothing has been accomplished" - the question is what does she want me to do? If I complete anymore reputation quests she's going to leave so..... makes you wonder what she wants?
Baeloth - is fun, a bit quirky, a bit rude even - a fun person to travel with once in a while - it is a shame that he is a bit overpowered - but if you don't mind hanging with a drow sorcerer with a bit of a complex then take him along.
On this my first run in BGEE - I am trying out most of the NPCs and so far - so good - I've missed the dwarf named Y (full party couldn't add him because I just added the druid) and Shar-Teal (she's hiding somewhere on one of the maps) but otherwise almost everyone I think.
I have a core team of 4 which doesn't change with 2 free spots (to make 6 members) so that I can try other NPCs.
Let me say this - there are some really annoying NPCs - and they are annoying not because that they suck at their job but because of their personality which grates on the nerves .... and makes you want to throw a fireball at him.
there is the Thing its all about , in a "Normal" party it boils down that you want 3 Jobs to be Fulfilled , a Mage , a Thief , and a Healer... everything above is Flavor and additional Bag space.
i personally Boil my Thief needs down to a LvL 6 Swashbuckler, Never needed a Single trap or Backstab in my Life , and the Micro management is not rewarding for the results, so i Dual him to a Mage and have 2 of 3 Needs down in my CHARNAME, just have to grab one of the many healers and have 4 Slots to rotate NPC's through, and once all quest are done i Grab my 4 favorites.
I kept on reading here people saying they cannot play BG without it, I now understand what they meant.
Dwarven Defender - I assume this is your NPC although personally I would go with Dragon Disciple as NPC.
Fighter/Cleric - Viconia or Jaheira.
Fighter/Thief - Khalid
Skald - Garrick / HaerDaelis.
Shaman - Jaheira
Dragon Disciple - Imoen (I actually thought about doing this to Imoen myself, since I wanted to try playing both custom made fighter and dragon disciple). Naeera comes as an alternative here.
But even making Khalid into a f/t probably won't improve him much; I'd make him a cavalier instead but then again....
Dwarven DefenderSun Soul Monk - RasaadFighter/Cleric - Khalid (Mazzy in BG2)
Fighter/Thief - Imoen (Yoshimo to fill the gap)
Skald - PC
Shaman - Jaheira
Dragon Disciple - Neera
This will provide a fair amount of continuity and utilize a few characters I haven't used yet in BG and/or BG2. I will definitely look into the NPC Project mod. If you have any other comments or advice, please let me know. I won't be starting until this weekend so nothing is set in stone yet.
Safana, however, is a different story while the PC is still lvl 1! I managed to sneak with her into that cave and leave the rest where they met her. But in that cave she won't find a single trap, even when standing right next to it. Walking through that first trap only almost kills her, but even taking a potion for full health doesn't help, as the second trap always kills her. What am i doing wrong?
My team stole the treasure as well but we a mage with the spell invisible and a tank to walk over the traps.
One is a custom party of 5 (so I can bring on and do the quests of most of the other NPC's) that consists of
- ½ Orc Berserker
- ½ Elf Fighter/Cleric
- Elf Archer
- Elf Mage/Thief (CHARNAME)
- Elf Sorcerer
The other party I'm having fun with is an, ummm, 'misunderstood' party of 6 that consists of
- Dorn
- Kagain
- Viconia
- Elf Fighter/Thief (CHARNAME)
- Garrick
- Edwin
Garrick is underrated, IMO. Once you get him the Whistling sword and Army Scythe he's a bad-ass Swiss Army Knife.