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So who would like to play though the series with me?

MorteTormentMorteTorment Member Posts: 19
edited April 2016 in Multiplayer
TL;DR I just wanna have fun with multiplayer. all of the following I'm willing to change my mind on if you ask nicely.

I'm looking for a few people that can set aside 4-6 hours a day most of the time to go through the entire series with me. By that I mean Both Baldur's Gate 1 AND 2. I'm hoping to get at least 2 others people.

I don't require you to have any experience with the series, but it would be cool if you love the series like i do(or better yet, more than I do because I've only got about halfway through shadows of amn), and would like to discuss it as we go through it.(again not a requirement, mostly wishful thinking here.) The idea would be that all 3 of us would control 2 different characters. Me, I'd be covering a Kensei which I plan to turn into a Mage when we get to Shadows of Amn. alongside a Dragon Disciple, and the 2 of you can decide what you wanna be.

Let's have some fun!

Edit: Oh, and I have the gog version(and yes, both versions are compatible), you can contact me on skype: Superrpgman or aim: Superrpgman2003. Also, as for who leads, I figure I can make a decent enough leader, but if you have more experience with the series, you can be the leader if you desire.

Edit: Just wanna make this clear because I confused someone.. The idea is that we play both games. We don't have to do every single quest, but we do both games. That said, if you ask politely, I might be willing to change my mind. both on this, and well...anything I've said here really. Again, let's just have some fun!
Post edited by MorteTorment on


  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Same thing I asked on your other topic, do you plan on more or less leading the group? What kind of alignement are you aiming for?
  • MorteTormentMorteTorment Member Posts: 19

    Same thing I asked on your other topic, do you plan on more or less leading the group? What kind of alignement are you aiming for?

    Edit: Oh, and I have the gog version, you can contact me on skype: Superrpgman or aim: Superrpgman2003. Also, as for who leads, I figure I can make a decent enough leader, but if you have more experience with the series, you can be the leader if you desire.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    I don't have 4 to 6 hours a day to give to that but I remember that last time I played in multiplayer, I was introducing someone to the game so I knew all the story etc and I think I basically had to let her make all the decisions as to not spoil the feeling of discovering the game.
  • ArdeofArdeof Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2016
    I'm guessing the GoG version isn't compatible with the Steam version?

    Edit: After a bit of searching, apparently GoG and Steam are compatible. I enjoy playing as a Mage, alignment doesn't matter to me too much. I find BG2 is quite forgiving of alignment, other than the ridiculous prices if the party is evil.
  • MorteTormentMorteTorment Member Posts: 19
    Ardeof said:

    I'm guessing the GoG version isn't compatible with the Steam version?

    Edit: After a bit of searching, apparently GoG and Steam are compatible. I enjoy playing as a Mage, alignment doesn't matter to me too much. I find BG2 is quite forgiving of alignment, other than the ridiculous prices if the party is evil.

    Yeah, they're compatible.

    Again, contact me on aim or skype.
  • MorteTormentMorteTorment Member Posts: 19
    Wonder if the length of the intro post is scaring people off.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    If you haven't found anyone, I might be available next week (not the one to come, the next one), the new patch should be out by that time too.
  • MorteTormentMorteTorment Member Posts: 19
    That'd be great. hope to see you then.
  • MorteTormentMorteTorment Member Posts: 19

    If you haven't found anyone, I might be available next week (not the one to come, the next one), the new patch should be out by that time too.

    Actually, what I'm looking for is someone with a lot of free time. Are you sure that you're up for this?
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,444
    4-6 hours per day is a lot of time :o

    Also, if you go with 3 players, why not have everyone make one character, and let everyone recruit 1 NPC?
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    I made a tank and a ranged dps in case you haven't started in a week. (I'm on GMT+1 btw)
  • NarcissistNarcissist Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2016
    This sounds like it would be fun. Are there still spots open? I've got plenty of free time on my hand these days. What time zone are you in? I live in EST or GMT-4 if that's your jam.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    edited April 2016
    Here's my tank character, 2 pips in sword and shield and 2 pips in maces :

    Here's the ranged dps, also good at disabling wizards, 2 pip in daggers and 2 pip in longbows:

    Since I have played that game so many times, I am perfectly willing to let someone else enjoy the multiplayer adventure, I have played the game in multiplayer once already so feel free to take the spot.

    I have enough experience to not require any mods but if possible I'd like to remove experience cap and inventory management hassle (unlimited stacks of things and size of bags of holding), all is doable through bgtweaks.

    I have actually played this game a shitton of times so it'll probably be funnier if I keep down on meta gaming knowledge (I think I more or less know the position of every trap in bg1) and let someone else decide where we go.
  • MorteTormentMorteTorment Member Posts: 19
    Everyone who is interested, please get in contact with me on Skype: Superrpgman
  • MorteTormentMorteTorment Member Posts: 19
    Ok, so here's the deal.

    1. We still have one slot left. One person joined, but he can't connect for some reason. The other person is doing great. He's really knowledgeable of the two games and it should help make things easier. If you want to join, again, please, contact me on skype.

    2. Actually, we technically have 4 slots left if you're willing to play as Minsc or Dynaheir. You can kinda come and go as you please too. Again, contact me on skype if you're interested

    Skype: Superrpgman
  • KalaxisKalaxis Member Posts: 8
    Hey bro bg2 or bg1 atm?
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    We're in bg1, arrived at Nashkel, we're having issues with the multiplayer.
  • FairyMasterFairyMaster Member Posts: 13
    Hello! Iwould like to join the fun if its possible.
    I have a exported character that arrived in Nashkel quite recently
    Hes still lvl 1 but close to 2.May I join you?
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Yeah we'll probably restart though, getting to nashkel is quite fast, I can take care of resetting the exp of your character when we start no problem. There's a new post now :)
  • FairyMasterFairyMaster Member Posts: 13
    So tell me the group ID and maybe password.
    We should talk this via skype.
    What's yours?
  • XavantXavant Member Posts: 11
    Just have to ask... with the 2.2 patch, did you decide to wipe and start fresh from the beginning?
  • LooxLoox Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2016
    Also, I'm looking to join a game. Would love to run my monk (he gets insanely powerful during Shadows of Amn. So if you restarted I'd be very interested. Can also meet your requirements.
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