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New armor models?

UselessUseless Member Posts: 3
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Hey all,

Will there be any changes to the armor models from the original? Or perhaps some new ones for any armors added by the EE? I remember always feeling a little disappointed by the fact that a suit of plate mail and a suit of full plate looked essentially identical, except full plate was a slightly darker color. It would be great IMO if a suit of regular plate looked a little more like a combination of chain and plate, like it should be, and rarer suits, like the plate +3 you could find in Durlags had a special model.

Its a minor thing, but I think it could help make your character feel a little more unique. Thoughts?


  • theJoshFrosttheJoshFrost Member Posts: 171
    I don't think they're able to do this. Their will be new items, but I'm pretty sure they aren't able to alter the appearance of any of the armors. Contracts and what not, and I think it'd be more work than you'd think, since working in the Infinity Engine is evidently super hardc0re.
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    The armour will, of course, look quite different from the way it did in BG1 as EE will be using the BG2 sprites. There won't be any brand new appearances though.
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