Dual class

Will it be possible to Dual Class, as a Human, in three classes? Like can I create a Figther whe becomes a thief and then later becomes a mage as well?
(If I remember correctly you could only Dual Class in 2 classes in Baldurs Gate...)
(If I remember correctly you could only Dual Class in 2 classes in Baldurs Gate...)
Damn. I like Humans the most...
Not really. I wanted to RP a version of my self.
I work as a professional magician, have an "expertise" in gambling/hustle games (the thief part) and I have been doing sword fighting for many years so - Mage/thief/fighter.
No need for triple-classing.
I don't like bards... And thats not "me". I am tone deaf.
Looked it up. That is for BG II - not BG:EE if I get it right.
But I think I will use the game as it is without modifications.
You don't like Bards? Here, let me sing you a song that might literally change your mind....
Sleight of hand, mind reading and all that is cool... But real magic - much cooler.
*gets on my grammar nazi horse and rides into the sunset*
So ner!
You can't triple stamp a double stamp! You can't triple stamp a double stamp!