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Horc fighter/cleric stat advice plz

OlteronOlteron Member Posts: 67
Rolling a horc fighter/cleric. I know dwarf saves are god mode. But never liked shorties. Trouble is I want to take advantage of their 19 str and con but that leaves me short on other stats.

Any tips on what stats I should start off with? Is high wisdom more important then getting 20 con and str. I am going fighter instead of ranger for rp reasons. Is 18 wisdom mandatory or is 15 better and just boost to 18 with books?


  • DevardKrownDevardKrown Member Posts: 421
    Strength 19
    Dexterity 18
    Constitution 19
    Intelligence 1
    Wisdom 18
    Charisma 3

    total Points of 78, 75 is Minimum so you don't even have to re-roll more than 3 Times to get what you really "need"

    Str Dex Con maximum is sort of mandatory , Max Wisdom for a Cleric is Highly recommended , with the 3 Books you get a ton of Bonus spell slots for 1-5.

    Since i take it you will roll more than just for the Bare Minimum, Intelligence 5/10 or 15(and then adding the +1book) this is only Necessary then fighting Mind Flayers and could be Compensated with "Potion of Mind Focusing" or "of Genius" (those Buggers drain 5 Int on a Successful Hit , reaching 0 Int you will instantly die !)

    Charisma only matters if you Push it up very High (17+) it will Reduce Store prices and change a few Quest rewards for the Better, as for the Stores you can just talk to the merchant with a NPC having high charisma or a mage Casting the LvL1 Spell Friends.

    and don't Forget to Snatch "Bucklys Buckler" in the Friendly arm for about ~1500g, this will give your Half orc Free HP regeneration during map travel and Sleep.

    on a Personal Note , i Love Dwarfs... their Lore , their Behavior, but gimme 19 Strength from the Get go then THAC0 really matters over some silly Saving throws any Day.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Great post. Also for a mere 9 (87 is easy enough to get) you start with int 10. The tome pushes you up to 11, so you can survive 2 mind flayer hits. By BG2 you'll get the ring of 18 Cha, giving you all the stats you need.

    Now for RP purposes I'd try for a 92. That'd get you Cha8. Goes up to 9 with tome. This just takes away the worst of the npc reactions and means you don't have an epically ugly character. But cha really isn't needed.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    But a half-orc is by design an epically ugly character! :tongue:

    But yeah, you can easily get into the high 80s without pulling your hair out (at least, I can,) so dumping CHA for INT is a smart move, as INT can kill you. You can always make Imoen or whoever do all the talking and shopping, she has some very nice CHA that you can take advantage of. If you're planning an evil party, Dorn can handle all your CHA shopping needs.

    I also highly recommend starting with 18 WIS when you can, those bonus spell slots can really add up. Especially as a part fighter. Armor of Faith and Draw Upon Holy Might can make you more than a force to be reckoned with, and the former doesn't last that long.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    Max out STR and CON (you REALLY want those 19's), and WIS in that order. You also want an 18 in DEX, but that is your least important stat because there are gauntlets that can grant you 18 fairly early on in the game.

    INT and CHA are your dump stats. While 18 CHA is nice for shopping and extra quest rewards, you really don't need it because there's an item that can grant you 18 early in the game. INT does nothing for you except raise Lore (near-useless).
  • OlteronOlteron Member Posts: 67
    Thanks everyone. Rolled 89. Max str dex con and wis. Dumped charisma to 5 I think and 10 or 11 int. Chose Warhammer and shield for bg1. But also going to put some in mace for stupifier. And flail in bg2.
  • DevardKrownDevardKrown Member Posts: 421
    Olteron said:

    Thanks everyone. Rolled 89. Max str dex con and wis. Dumped charisma to 5 I think and 10 or 11 int. Chose Warhammer and shield for bg1. But also going to put some in mace for stupifier. And flail in bg2.

    The Best Weapon for BG1 Will be +2 Warhammer(+1elecric dmg) from Bassilus , you can talk down his Skeletal army and wack him solo if you please...right after the game Starts (south map of high hedge bottom right) so you could skimp on those Mace Points.

    i totally would go for Slings and Flails(Flail of the Ages+3/5 will be your BG2/ToB weapon

    but you will have plenty of Weapon * to spend.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130
    Olteron said:

    Thanks everyone. Rolled 89. Max str dex con and wis. Dumped charisma to 5 I think and 10 or 11 int. Chose Warhammer and shield for bg1. But also going to put some in mace for stupifier. And flail in bg2.

    Just wanna throw out: they really smacked Stupifier hard with the nerf bat in 2.0. It's a pretty weak weapon now and nothing like the end-game terror it used to be. I'd also go with the Ashideena warhammer like Devard says.
  • DevardKrownDevardKrown Member Posts: 421

    Olteron said:

    Thanks everyone. Rolled 89. Max str dex con and wis. Dumped charisma to 5 I think and 10 or 11 int. Chose Warhammer and shield for bg1. But also going to put some in mace for stupifier. And flail in bg2.

    Just wanna throw out: they really smacked Stupifier hard with the nerf bat in 2.0. It's a pretty weak weapon now and nothing like the end-game terror it used to be. I'd also go with the Ashideena warhammer like Devard says.
    the effect was way too strong for "just" a +1 Weapon laying about for the Grabs.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    It's still a really easy +1 weapon to get, and it deals crushing damage, so it's still worth it until you can go grab something else.
  • PK2748PK2748 Member Posts: 381
    Staff +3 and two handed weapon style not awful for a fighter cleric either. I happen to think the quarter staff attack option looks God awful but it's effective
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited November 2022
    For BG1, Thresher +2 / Morning Star +1 dual-wield all day for me.

    Also Half-Orcs often get maligned when compared to Dwarves in Fighter/Cleric discussions because of the beefy shorty saves. Let me say this. Half-Orc Fighter/Clerics ROCK. Beginning game BG1 they are powerhouses compared to Dwarves. Beter THACOs (missile and melee) and Armor Class mean they tend to live longer, especially in no-reload challenges. Late game they get to a Spell / Petrification Save of 6 with good gear, possibly 3 if you want to give them the Claw of Kaz (which I don't). They will also have magic resistance of at least 25%. Hang on to a stack of Potions of Invulnerability when you really need a save boost past that.

    By later in BG2, neither physicals or saves will matter much as they will be pretty much maxed - regardless. So give me an easier time in the beginning.
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