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Restore original Record sheet

NoobaccaNoobacca Member Posts: 139
Is there a way to restore the original record screen? I'm not a huge fan of the new one that was implemented with the latest patch. I've read up on the UI editor but I wasn't sure if the record screen could be changed back by using it. Also, I was hoping that there would be a much easier way to do it than playing with that editor..


  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    Which new Record Sheet do you not like? The one in BG2 is being replaced in the next patch with the one currently in use in BG1.
  • NoobaccaNoobacca Member Posts: 139
    I'm not a fan of either, to be honest. I prefer the original. I didn't realise that there was such a demand to update the record/spell book pages to warrant the changes. Surely the developers could have made this change optional?
  • ZeshinXZeshinX Member Posts: 89
    I would very much love the return of the pre-2.0 record sheet. The one BG2 received with 2.1 is better than it was in 2.0, but still wonky. I find the data in the list on the left to be sloppy looking and not well spaced at all (especially the class/xp listing for dual-classed characters).
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    As this is one of the reasons I refuse to update BG:EE past 1.3, I second this. I can live with the new sheets and do for BG2, but I prefer the old one.
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