SoD Additional Races
Member Posts: 2,054
I notice in SODRACE.2DA there are several other races listed. Is there an easy way to enable these to be selected on character creation?
2DA V1.0
HUMAN 1 7193 9550 1096 65359
ELF 2 7194 9552 1097 65360
HALF_ELF 3 7197 9555 1098 65361
DWARF 4 7182 9551 1100 65362
HALFLING 5 7195 9554 1101 65363
GNOME 6 7196 9553 1099 65364
HALF_ORC 7 24200 24204 24202 65365
TIEFLING 153 24201 -1 24203 15891
GOBLIN 161 44348 -1 44349 -1
AASIMAR 185 58087 -1 58088 15895
- Add new races. These races may or may not be selectable on the character creation screen.
- If those new races are selectable, then those races may not have classes assigned to them. Tieflings are the only race that seem to be the exception to this, and the game treats Tieflings as renamed Elves (meaning they can only select classes/kits that Elves can).
- Use a script or specific kit to force your way around the hardcoded BS in the engine that is not exposed. My mod used a script to do that.
The Infinity Engine isn't very friendly, I've found out. This isn't Neverwinter Nights 1 or 2, where the Aurora Engine exposes the vast majority of files to the user.