Which Game scenario would you like to see enhanced after Baldur's Gate I+II?

I know these are dreams of the future, but why not ;-) - Or would you rather like to see Baldurs Gate III?
- Which Game scenario would you like to see enhanced after Baldur's Gate I+II?144 votes
- Planescape: Torment40.28%
- Icewind Dale17.36%
- Neverwinter Nights  3.47%
- Baldur's Gate III38.89%
Icewind Dale I feel is rather fine as it is. There would be some value in getting the EE bonuses of kits and whatnot, and the prospect of IWD spells getting backported to BG:EE/BG2:EE would be cool. Frankly I'd love to see some BG-izing of IWD with joinable NPCs and some nonlinearity added in, more sidequests and regions etc. but I don't think that's likely to happen.
NWN1? Why bother really, the OC is well...rubbish, SotU is average and HotU quite decent but the NWN series was really made for the custom content and, as such, NWN2 is already the enhanced edition as far as that's concerned (though there are several good points that the NWN1 engine has over the second). What would be the goal of an enhanced edition for this?
BG3 I don't entirely understand the desire for. There won't be another 2nd edition AD&D rules game at this point and you can't continue the storyline of the player character. I suppose it's more a new game with the spirit of BG but we've seen before developers claim their games to be spiritual successors to BG and well, not be. If they make something and badge it BG3, it'd better be bloody good!
I never got a chance to play it when it first came out, but I heard wonderful things about it. I'd rather experience it as an enhanced edition where I can play it unmodded before I start trying to meddle with it (like I do with BG almost every time I run it).
I don't really care about IWD and even less about NWN.
As for NWN - a visual upgrade would be nice, but the NWN official content was kinda bland and boring. Meanwhile among the fan made modules you can find the best CRPG's of all time IMHO, but they would most likely get lost in the enchancement process.
Besides PS:T TRULY need an enhancement, no matter in which way they enhance IWD, adding or not new content (NPCs, more side quests...) PS:T should be done first. Neverwinter Nights has no reason to be listed and that game don't need an enhancement, it needs oblivion only.
As to the poll I think after BG2 they will overhaul PS:T then hopefully do BG3 , which should be a completely new story in the Forgotten Realms.
Just my tuppenceworth.
However, if we follow the same sort of contractual rules that are applying to Beamdog in regards to what they can and can't do to Baldurs Gate, i'd be very hesitate to see anything more.
If they aren't allowed to restore + flesh out removed content/broken quests from that game and are forced to just add brand new content and characters, they could quite easily tarnish the themes of the game, I don't think signficant content to PS:T (i.e new joinable NPC's and areas) would be as straight foward as in Baldurs Gate.
I dont see how you could change the PS:T version of the infinity engine into the new Beamdog version (ToB with tweaks) without ruining the feel of the game.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a well done enhanced PS:T, I just reckon it would be abit harder to do writing/design wise.
4th/5th ed (whatevers current) DND CRPG set in modern day (realms time) would be my prefered call after they do BG2.