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Reduce interval of thieves' Find Traps skill

fantasmafantasma Member Posts: 35
So when thieves' "Find Traps" skill is on, it seems game checks for traps around the thief in every round or something. I think for gaming convenience this one round interval should be reduced to 1 second or less. For now if players want to check every corner of the dungeon for traps, they are required to move the party's thief at speed of about (thief's visual range/one round), which is rather slow.

I always thought this was too slow from day one of original Baldur's Gate (1996)


  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    I agree it's a nuisance... on the other hand its fairly legit to have to move slowly whilst searching.
  • MythagoMythago Member Posts: 23
    This is something I've just gotten used to during the years. Walk-wait-walk-wait-disarm. But I agree, it would be nice if there was some change to how spotting traps works, so a thief could reliably spot a trap before walking over it.

    I guess a compromise would be to lower both the thief's movement rate and the interval between checks. This would have to be adjusted carefully, so you wouldn't keep the ability on all the time (because the thief doesn't keep up with the formation) and render traps useless. But the thief also shouldn't be so slow that it's painful to use the ability.

    I'm not sure how new players feel about the ability as it is right now. It can certainly be annoying when your thief is spotting for traps, but triggers one anyway and unleashes a lightning bolt in a corridor :)
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