[SPOILERS] "Pritchard"

After talking with Glint, talking to Pritchard gives me an option to take him to Belegarm the quartermaster, but it looks like a dead-end in this quest line.
I thought taking him somewhere quiet through this dialogue and beating him senseless wouldn't give me -2 reputation, but I'm proven wrong (still gives me that -2 reputation)
What's this option for?
I thought taking him somewhere quiet through this dialogue and beating him senseless wouldn't give me -2 reputation, but I'm proven wrong (still gives me that -2 reputation)
What's this option for?
Bah I'll just kill him, f*ck the rep drop, 2 hours for a freakin simple quest
That's unfortunate, because having the option to persuade him to follow you somewhere else where no one can see the beating is like the game telling me that with that route there'd be no rep drop. Now there's no difference between beating him in front of everyone and that
(Edit, this option no longer works.)
If you're going in with max REP and want to get back to it after, then just make sure you do the -REP quest first, then do the +REP ones afterwards.
However, it's not obligatory to force Pritchard out of the Camp. Instead, you can grass up the guys who are complaining about him, and (IIRC) that will also close the quest, although (again IIRC) this method is less advantageous in xp and loot.