Swashbuckler or Fighter/Thief Multiclass

Which would you recommend to take for a main character (a halfling) throughout the whole series? They both fill relatively the same niche, if through a slightly different way.
+ great damage bonuses
+ fast levels
- lots of redundant thieving skills (since no backstab)
- lower APR without Whirlwind, lower THAC0 with it
+ can backstab
+ can tank with armor if needed
+ fairly balanced defense/offense
+ will get Fighter APR
- no Grand Mastery
- slower level progression
- lower sustained damage
Then there's also some you did not mention, but could potentially be part of the consideration.
Swashbuckler 10 -> Fighter dual class:
+ some damage bonuses
+ 100 in Find Traps/Open Locks/Detect Illusions (with 19 DEX) so no redundant thieving
+ full Fighter THAC0 progression plus Swash bonus
+ Grand Mastery
+ can get maximum APR naturally
+ will just play as Swashbuckler in BG1
- will just play as Swashbuckler in BG1
- no Use Any Item
- lower HP to start with
- will take a bit to regain thief levels (but will get to the dualing point quickly)
Kensai 9 -> Thief dual class
+ some damage bonuses
+ Use Any Item negates Kensai penalties
+ can use backstab + Kai for massive burst
+ quickly regain Fighter class due to fast Thief levels
+ maximum base APR with Gauntlets
- defensive issues at lower levels
- challenging to play in BG1 & no Thief in BG1
Slightly off-topic but has anyone made a swashbuckler/cleric? It's pretty awesome.
Also a big plus for a fighter/thief is the improved 18 strength. Halflings can't get that anyway.
As early as chapter 2 of BG2, halflings can soar past that barrier with a Girdle of Hill Giant Strength and become absolute melee demons, with shorty saving throws and up to 20 DEX and 19 CON with tomes from BG1. Plus, you'll appreciate the growth arc of the character more, I'd wager.
You should anyway avoid full thief (even though swashbuckler isn't totally as crap as the other)
And I'll admit I'm a sucker for Single Weapon Fighting. Getting -2 AC and +1 Critical Threat Range out of that is just so tasty.
So I started with maxed Single Weapon Fighting and Daggers, since a magical dagger is very easy to get and my planned party won't have any need for them, and I can get throwing ones easy enough for ranged combat. Will pip up Ninja-to through BG1, and probably Long Swords and Katanas through BG2. Sneaking and Backstabbing will have to wait for Open Locks and Find Traps to be finished first, but eventually... eventually!