Request for previous patch.

Given that the colour "upgrade" on the character sprites is giving me some problems playing the EE edition of BG1, Iam going to have to downgrade the version of it. Seems the new sprites got added when SoD came out. Is this doable? I just can't play the game in its current state. I am guessing if I download the game a new to install it, the game forces the current patched version on me too?
I wouldn't be surprised if you've been trying to do something logically impossible for a few days without thinking about why it doesn't work.
@Rawgrim Well, there's no way to go back for Beamdog client, you can request a Steam key by contacting the support.
Thanks, Beamdog. Classy move.
People attention please, if you don't get it right now, this will happen to you with many other software updates.
Softwares on your computer need to store data like your preferences or your savegames. When they update, sometimes, the way this data is stored changes due to a software update, so the format of your config or your save games changed. In this case, the way your config is stored changed and the way your savegames are stored changed too, no major changes but still changes.
So when you update your software, you have this 2.0 software that has to read data from your previous version, and to this 2.0 software, it looks incomplete because it's looking for the new format. Now the new software very often has a way to read the incomplete data and set default values for things that weren't stored in the previous versions. This is because, when the 2.0 software is written, the format used by the previous version is known.
On the other hand, when the previous version was coded, the programmers didn't know how the future version would look like so the old software isn't able to read the new format unless the new format is made specifically with this in consideration (and only if the previous version was capable of it too) so basically, it doesn't make sense to expect your data in a new format to be read by the old software, so if you want to go back to the old software, you need to let it rewrite all the data. That's why you need to remove from your documents the data that has been altered by the 2.0 version. The 1.3 cannot read this new version, if you want the 1.3 to work, you can't let your files altered by the new version where they are.
The 2.0 software might "think" like this though : "since i'm updating this data to the new format, I might as well update all the data to the new format, this way I won't have to think about it again later".
That wouldn't be the most user friendly way but depending on the software it could be a big gain of time. For the future, back up your software before updating.
However, there's one HUGE difference: in '99 it was clearly stated when you installed TotSC that this was the case....!
Right now it looks like cartoonish characters atop a live action movie. Looks like they are standing half a foot or more above the ground.
What I do to keep things in order, I have a folder tilted "Save management" in my player data folder in which I put all the save games related to a character under a folder for each character. This limits the number of save games that the game reads at a given time.
I have the old BG games on GoG, and they work like a charm. No crisis in that regard. Just sucks to pay for something and have it get ruined by a patch, and not being able to fix it.