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Stuck in a Rut: BG1 and BG2 first time evil playthrough. PC Advice needed

DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
So since BGEE won't be shipping until November 30th, I'm going to try to run through the entirety of BG1 and BG2 with a couple parties focusing on NPCs I haven't used before. Here are the 2 parties I currently have in mind.

Disclaimer: I'm playing BG1 and BG2 completely modless for these so that I leave plenty left for myself in BGEE.

Evil Party BG1:

The last 2 are because I hear they're rather funny to bring along.

Evil Party BG2:
Sarevok (ToB)

What this means is I need to determine what characters to bring along to compliment the parties and also which 2 NPCs to use for SoA. I'm leaning towards Haer'Dalis and the chaotic neutral gnome (or heck maybe just Yoshi -> Imoen). More to the point though, here are some of the characters I've considered.

Elven or Halfling Thief to Assassin (Overlaps with Montaron)
Half Elven Bard -> Blade (Party is already arcane heavy in BG1, plus there is a specific later party I want to try and adding in Haer'dalis just is like 3 strikes)
Elven Wizard Slayer or Kensai (Primarily using Longswords/Bastard Swords/Katanas et al on top of a good ranged fighter in BG1, would allow her to use those, the dwarves to happily use their axes and hammers and then Sarevok to use the 2h weapons)
Half Elven Druid -> Avenger (never played a druid so I doubt I'd make it far. Might save it for more of a neutral playthrough)


  • ramagonsramagons Member Posts: 96
    edited September 2012
    i'd go with jan jansen and just run with 5. haer'dalis is horrible.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Ramagons I had forgotten his name but ya he was my option counter to Haer'dalis. Especially since in order to get the full affect of Haer I've heard you need to romance Aerie and bring Minsc with you
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    I guess Jan Jansen and Yoshi->Imoen then since she's kinda important in BG2 and ToB
  • ramagonsramagons Member Posts: 96

    I guess Jan Jansen and Yoshi->Imoen then since she's kinda important in BG2 and ToB

    that's what I did with my evil party runthrough, but i have to admit I sort of became good by the end of TOB because I am a weak willed goody two shoes that just wants everyone to be okay.

  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    although that's a ton of arcane muscle. especially for what looks likely to be a wizard slayer or kensai
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Ramagons I'll admit I just want blackrazor and the extra strength ^_^
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    If you take Jan, also take Minsc, the two of them are hilarious together!
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Sounds like I have a party of Jan, Haer, Minsc, and Aerie coming up too..... Great now what class to use with them *sigh*
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Let's just say Jan... covets... Boo. In ways that are probably not very healthy for Jan. Jan might become Jam if he pushes Minsc too far...
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    ramagons said:

    i'd go with jan jansen and just run with 5. haer'dalis is horrible.


    Haer'Dalis is without question the most dangerous NPC in the entire saga. Saying his horrible is one of the most ignorant things I've heard. You can't make a Blade as deadly as he is because of his extra proficiency points in short swords. (You can make one tankier, though.)

    One of the strength belts + Tenser's Transformation + Offensive Spin = gg dead enemies. It's stupid the amount of damage he can do. Downright silly.

    Throw in time traps once you get HLAs and you have yourself a merry little time obliterating all there is to obliterate.

    @Dragonspear: If you're worried about total balance, go with Sorcerer or a fighter/mage of some kind (whether you want to dual-class or just roll multi-classed is up to you.) Jan or Imoen can handle thieving for you, Korgan is all the tank you could ever want, Haer'Dalis brings ludicrous DPS, Viconia works as a ranged healer tanky person as clerics are wont to do.

    Maybe roll a single class wizard slayer who focuses on ranged weapons.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    ramagons said:

    i'd go with jan jansen and just run with 5. haer'dalis is horrible.

    This was my reaction to that post, too.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Honestly it LOOKS like a fun party. It's just trying to decide what final people to run to round out the edges. I could see Kagain or Mazzy both working really well there. Not to mention the omnipresent Imoen in BG2. With the sheer amount of arcane focus already present in Jan, Haer, Aerie, Minsc prolly wants some more beef up front with him.


    I figured I'd Grand Master in longbows first (personal preference) and then end up getting Grand Mastery in Longswords and Mastery in Dual Wield by the end of ToB. Sorcerer is kinda ruled out since they don't exist in vanilla bg1.

    For awhile my list was Elven Fighter/Mage/Thief or Blade for this party. The blade was especially tempting but I didn't know how well he'd work with Haer or Jan already there. I mean that's a lot of scrolls to memorize.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Just for myself running through the weapon lists of all included right now:

    Korgan/Kagain: Axes and Hammers in proper dwarven style (And shields until ToB or Crom at least)
    Edwin: Quarterstaff
    Viconia: Mace or Flail and Sling
    Montaron: Crossbow and Shortsword/Dagger
    Haer'dalis: Shortswords and I'd prolly toss points into crossbows for him.
    Sarevok: Halberd, Two Handed Sword
    Xzar: Uh I think he's dagger/throwing dagger if I remember right.

    So it looks to me I want something that uses longswords/bastard swords etc and longbows. So Blade, Wizard Slayer or Kensai at this point. The question is if I take Jan until I get Sarevok will I have too much arcane damage in the party. On the other hand if I bring PC of that setup + Korgan (Axe of Unyielding+Crom) + Sarevok + Haer'Dalis do i have too much melee. (Herm just noticed that Imoen is ruled outta this party. Oh well have another party I wanted to bring her, sarevok and viccy in just for teh "family" feel)
  • ramagonsramagons Member Posts: 96


    Haer'Dalis is without question the most dangerous NPC in the entire saga. Saying his horrible is one of the most ignorant things I've heard. You can't make a Blade as deadly as he is because of his extra proficiency points in short swords. (You can make one tankier, though.)

    One of the strength belts + Tenser's Transformation + Offensive Spin = gg dead enemies. It's stupid the amount of damage he can do. Downright silly.

    korgan and sarevok will chunk everything in melee way before you cast those abilities. Haer'dalis has 9 con. He probably does a lot of damage if you micromanage him...but by then, korgan and sarevok will have chunked everything. I guess if you want to cheese melfs minute meteors you can do that with him, and the traps aren't bad...but korgan and sarevok will have chunked everything before that. They will have chunked everything and will be laughing at haer'dalis doing his spin dancing, and preparing to chunk everything again.

    and jan is the best thief in bg2.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    I think the point they'd counter with though is that Haer'dalis can set a time stop trap. Cast Tensers and offensive spin and then go to down with his 8 or so attacks per round guaranteed to do max damage every hit.

    My own personal counter to your statement of his 9 con however is that he does also have access to Mirror Image and Stoneskin.

    The problem I see is that if I bring Haer'dalis with me in ToB, either I'm eating traps with my face or I need to be a thief (or a fighter/mage/thief). If I bring Jan with me I have a lot more options but with a lot less damage. Oh the other hand I gain higher level mage spells.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Are there enough scrolls in BG1 to equip Xzar, Edwin and a FMT? What about in BG2 (Edwin, FMT, Haer'dalis)
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    HP is not a problem on anyone in BG2. Period. If he had 16 constitution, he'd only have 20 more HP beyond 10th level. Doesn't even matter. He's actually a better tank than Korgan and Sarevok despite the HP difference, because buff spells.

    Saying "they'll chunk everything before you cast those abilities" is ignorant of a lot of the battles that actually take place in ToB. It's only two spells anyway, the latter of which doesn't have a cast animation. Most the crazy battles throw hundreds upon hundreds of enemies at you anyway, and in the ones when you should be planning ahead to cast abilities and the like, he's more dangerous than the other two melee dudes you mentioned.

    Saying "Haer'Dalis sucks" is ignorant. Somehow a guy sucks because he can become god-tier but you have to use a spell or two? What kind of logic is that?

    I'm not saying you have to like him, but dismissing him as a bad character is factually wrong.
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  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    Herm at this rate I need to make 2 more threads.

    The most overpowered party combination possible (I think Keldorn, Edwin and Haer'dalis will all make that list) and a topic of "Why Blades don't suck: A guide and FAQ" just so we can start linking to that when the "blade's suck" comments come up".
  • jolly_bbjolly_bb Member Posts: 122
    edited September 2012
    @Dragonspear I had exactly the same dilemma some topics back. I was considering Avenger, Blade, Swashbuckler and some Cleric combinations as well for an evil playthrough.

    I would not go F/M/T due to extremely slow progression in BG1 (you lose most of the fun for half of BG saga). Also dualing in a moment that would make sense (like lvl7 at the earliest) makes the good part of BG1 a pain (as you have to regain levels).

    I'm not that interested in powergaming anymore, so at the end i will choose between:
    Avenger (looks like fun to play, although i'm afraid it might get boring near the end)
    Blade (looks like fun, but beginning will be very very hard due to lousy Thac0 unless you sleep abuse and rest before every fight)
    Cleric/Mage or Cleric Illusionist gnome (also looks like fun, lousy HP at the beginning but later an unstoppable caster if right spells chosen, with high save throws if a gnome)

    BUT all those options will leave you with either Jan Jansen for ToB OR taking on all damage from traps. So i'm also considering:
    Swashbuckler (should be great and quite powerful early game, killing machine near the end-game, getting all thieving abilities, also UAI and time traps...)
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    FMT levels for BG1 (not including ToTSC) are 5/5/6, (fighter/mage/thief). With ToTSC I believe they are 6/6/7

    The upsides I see to it are:
    Able to specialize in a weapon
    Able to Backstab
    Able to cast up to 6th level arcane spells
    Still enough thieving points to cover everything you need in the saga

    Very VERY slow progression as you noted
    Wasted Mage HLAs unless you mod since you can only cast level 6 spells
    Very slow HLAs in general
    Very few actual proficiency points (You only get them with fighter levels) so you're pretty dedicated to what weapons you do choose.
    Reliant upon items, potions and spells for stealthing

    Basically you trade very fast levelling, progression and bard song for the ability to specialize in your weapon of choice and use thieving abilities outside of pick pocket.

    Personally I don't like dual classing myself (which is funny considering my favorite 3e character concept is a Paladin/Ranger/Fighter)
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    I'd say play as either an avenger or swashbuckler, here's why ...


    Viconia - healing & slinging - can tank when buffed, best used to tank against magic users
    Edwin - arcane hurling - should be spamming magic missile and summons
    Kagain - tanking & axing - give him the bracers of dexterity and he's unstoppable
    Xzar - backup mage - crowd management with horror, sleep and the like

    now for the last spot, either:

    Shar-Teel - backup tanking & cutting - dual her to thief and she can backstab anything into chunks
    Montaron - archer & thief - best used as a lockpicks / trap thief because of his slow level progression

    If you decide to be a Swashbuckler, put all your points into traps and lockpicking, this means Montaron or Shar-Teel can then invest into hiding in shadows and you can be a backup fighter / archer
    If you decide to be an Avenger, you will have one full druid and one full cleric in your party, alongside two full specialised mages, which is crazy powerful since you'll have access to all spells! You can also cast mage spells which helps bolster your defences for when you shapeshift and join the fray!


    Viconia - as stated above, I'd recommend doing the human skin quest by killing the white dragon, with that and a few other items, Viconia can become 100% magic resistant, if you get her over 100% magic based spells will then start to heal her (I think?!)
    Edwin - robe of Vecna, which admittedly you probably won't acquire until a bit later, he also appears a bit later than one would like, employ either Jan or Nalia to fill the role of arcane power until then.
    Korgan - dual wielding axes is all I really need to say
    Haer'Dalis - as mentioned above, really powerful when used correctly, have him dual wielding short swords, he is also a backup mage which you need in SoA and ToB and can utilise all those lovely bard specific items throughout the game

    now for the last spot, either:

    Yoshimo - keep him as your main thief, or if you're truly evil, dual him to fighter just before he departs, so when you do 'encounter' him again, he'll be useless. I wouldn't recommend taking Imoen, she's a good guy, let's keep things evil in here.
    Jan - bonus is that he's the only full thief that doesn't die, he's an illusionist too which is ace, but perhaps your party is too arcane heavy at this point with Haer'Dalis
    Custom NPC - you can create your own character (assassin to keep things evil) in multiplayer alongside importing your BG1 PC, then save the game and drag that saved game into the single player folder and hey presto you have a full class thief in your group. Go with assassin, because thieves level up quickest and even though assassins get only a 15% stat distribution per level, that will be plenty enough to max out lockpicking and traps to then dump the rest in hiding, snares and detecting illusions (which is awesome!).

    So in summary, play as an avenger and create a custom NPC assassin when you get to BG2.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    edited September 2012
    I'd go Swashbuckler. It mitigates the dullness of BG1 thieves (every NPC is a thief, so you're redundant) without horribly gimping your +hit, +damage, or skill points. Then, in BG2, you don't have to sweat shuffling Jan/Yoshimo/Imoen around solely because of traps.

    Avengers are looking better and better to me, especially with evil party members because True Neutral gives you some flexibility. And I know you aren't playing with mods, but check out Spell Revisions just the same. It might change your mind.

    Two things keep me from a full druid playthrough, though:

    Casting in BG1 feels very one-off and limited; outside of boss fights you spend most of your time throwing rocks. And there's not really much in great gear for your PC to get excited about.

    In BG2, Druids hit that HUGE XP WALL at level 14. Serious downer.

    Edit to add: If NPC interactions matter to you, check out this list on Game Banshee. The descriptions contain spoilers, obviously, but skimming the headers ("Vicionia vs ...") will give you a good sense of who mixes it up with whom, and maybe the best way to pack your party with argumentative NPCs:
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356

    Are there enough scrolls in BG1 to equip Xzar, Edwin and a FMT? What about in BG2 (Edwin, FMT, Haer'dalis)

    BG1 is overflowing with scrolls, especially 1st and 2nd level scrolls in the random treasure drops, and BG2 has plenty of scrolls-as-treasure. I've gone through both games never having bought a single scroll (well, except for the 9th level spell "Freedom" sold by the Duergar in the Underdark). I'll admit it is hard to resist Thalantyr's inventory early on in BG1 and Galoomph and Lady Yuth's stock of scrolls in Waukeen's Promenade in BG2.

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    it depends on how lazy you are for how effective Haer'Dalis is, i really hated having him, i put him in my "losers of spite teams" only and he needs to be babysat, A LOT, and i really hate having to babysit team members, sure he can be good if you buffy the vampire slayer him up, but he can do that what? 3 times maybe then you have to rest every 30 seconds to get all that jazz back blah blah, what i usually do with him is get him enhanced bard song, and keep him on the the edge of every screen for every map, since enhanced bard song has infinite range, in ToB my Haer'Dalis never has a single kill, because that Enhanced bard song is actually pretty nice, sarevok and korgan i like way better in melee because they can survive better and they dont need to be baby sat, and plus sarevok's and korgain's greater whirlwinds are infinitely better than Haer'Dalis' silliness, and thats another thing about Haer'Dalis, if you are playing on the hardest difficulty his is complete poop untill he gets tensers transformation, enemies just look at him the wrong way and he dies, but thats my preference, i dont like taking 6 hours to do a 30 second battle so bring him if ye wish to add flavor ( and use infinite range enhanced bard song, if you are tired of him dieing so much :) )
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    My BG2 evil team was Viconia, Korgan, Edwin (of course!) plus the two CN Haer'Dalis and (sigh!) Jan in ToB.
    I removed Jan and added Sarevok in ToB.
    I played an assassin.
    Balanced and powerful parties, both of them.
    Can't wait for Dorn to add another "real" evil character to the roster and shake things up.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806

    One of the strength belts + Tenser's Transformation + Offensive Spin = gg dead enemies. It's stupid the amount of damage he can do. Downright silly.

    Can you go into an offensive spin once Tensered? I always avoided 'wasting' a 6th level slot on Tenser for my Blade as I thought all non-fighter abilities would be disabled using Tenser, so you'd just get a high-level fighter but with only 1 pip instead of an offensive spinning Blade. I really love Offensive Spin. Opens whole new possibilities if one cán get into a Spin with Tenser's Transformation active.

  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    Even if Tenser's disables offensive spin which I believe it does not, you can still cast offensive spin before hand =)
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    I've never really been a fan of druids myself nor of neutral alignments. Not to mention it just seems weird that I'd be running a party with 4 evils and 2 neutrals, especially when my main character is supposedly neutral.

    Even if you take the Faldorn approach, I still don't understand why a druid would be bringing these companions with them.

    Sorry for being such a pain but I'll admit there is some minimal amounts of RP that I use for my parties at least.

    As far as the swashie suggestion, while I admit that swashies look like a fun class, I really like the idea of backstabbing =)
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806


    Even if Tenser's disables offensive spin which I believe it does not, you can still cast offensive spin before hand =)

    I've tested it. It's less awesome than I conjured from Sandman's post. In a temporal sense "One of the strength belts + Tenser's Transformation + Offensive Spin = gg dead enemies" can't be done. The buttons for Blade abilities cease to function when Tensered. The reverse 'Offensive Spin + Tenser's Transformation' can be done. Still quite awesome: my Blade gets a Thac0 of -14 this way (-5 without Tenser)! But the less than awesome thing is, you can't refresh your spin as long as Tenser's is functioning.

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