Power Word Sleep issues

After some experimentation I have found that there is definitely something amiss with power word sleep.
Whenever it is successfully cast the proper "unconscious" affect is applied to the target, and the fall animation plays, but the target will then get back up for the rest of the turn (and will pursue you) before falling again and apparently staying that way.
You will get one free strike against the unconscious target, but this will apparently awaken it. This is unlike other sleep effects like color spray, which allow you to attack repeatedly for free for the entire duration of the spell.
Sometimes, even after you "awaken" a target with a hit, it will briefly display the falling animation before attacking you, suggesting that the engine knows the creature is still supposed to be unconscious.
Whenever it is successfully cast the proper "unconscious" affect is applied to the target, and the fall animation plays, but the target will then get back up for the rest of the turn (and will pursue you) before falling again and apparently staying that way.
You will get one free strike against the unconscious target, but this will apparently awaken it. This is unlike other sleep effects like color spray, which allow you to attack repeatedly for free for the entire duration of the spell.
Sometimes, even after you "awaken" a target with a hit, it will briefly display the falling animation before attacking you, suggesting that the engine knows the creature is still supposed to be unconscious.
Edit: he never attacked me again because he was blind and out of reach.