[Request] EAX

EAX don't work on the new platforms or didn't work properly. I don't know if this is possible but EAX support will be great. On my old platform the sound with EAX was better then on my new machine with "Made for Gamer sound card".
Strangely enough, modern pc's have a much worse playback now than they did 10 years ago. I bet you if you take some stoneage technology like the Creative Audigy 2 and compare it to an integrated soundcard like you get on todays computers, it's going to blow the new one out of the water.
More often than not, integrated soundcards don't even have it's own hardware per se. You'll notice how it's really just a Jack-out port and it's your cpu that handles everything (Which in turn is detrimental to overall performance..)
Getting a dedicated soundcard (they're dirt cheap) will A) Not only improve overall performance as the cpu works less on running the audio, its filters, effects and so on and so forth but,
Of course, you may have one of these cards already.. which in turn makes this rant moot, so i'll just stop now.
This is also one of the reasons why BG:EE's sound engine was ported from DirectSound to OpenAL. Through Creative's proprietary software ALchemy you should be able to get EAX in BG:EE (and any other games that support it).
Closing this thread to cut down on clutter (a clean forum is a happy forum). Cheers!
You cannot use Alchemy with BG:EE - it doesn't use DirectSound. (no dsound.dll etc)
You can and have to use OpenAL.
On my system with Windows 7 Ultimate X64 Bit. Bundled OpenAL had problems. ( echo, missing sounds, clicks, hang) .
I put latest retail 2.100 OpenAL32.DLL into baldur.exe's folder. Most of the problems gone but still had troubles of random hanging. I even got one Blue screen of death.
As mentioned on other post , I downloaded Unigine Heaven Benchmark, and copied that OpenAL32.dll into game folder. No problems so far. I also updated my unofficial ( Daniel-K) drivers to latest on Creative's Site. ( just the driver, most other apps are already up to date)
I have Creative Inspire T7700 7.1 analog speakers attached. Positional sound works, there are echos reverbs according to terrain. ( 2nd dll seemed to be better but maybe it was because of cmss3d on I will try with that on and off - maybe that was the issue)
So ı suggest give that dll a look. ( I may upload it here if its ok, it was trouble downloading 200mb just for that)
It seems surround effect was because of CMSS 3D. I will try with the old Dll if it was adding reverb,echo...
My relief is at least Unigine's DLL is crash&hang-free.