[Fix]Scroll of Rise Dead - obsolete with patch

Just tested GOG
This fix is no longer necessary.Scroll is working properly with new patch
During my game-play i ended up in place "somewhere far north". As most of u know ,u cant just stroll out of place ..
And as it happened one of my characters died.. now i do have Jaheira in party and her "Harper's call" is fixed by Beamdog in 2.0,so it is working.But as it happened she was only lvl 7 and did not have access to that spell..
But i had a scroll of rise dead tho..which turned out not to work.. go figure..
Problem with scroll was that it was targeting "live people" instead of dead ones..
So here its fixed one ..tested and working fine.
Just unpack and put the file SCRL63.ITM inside your "override" folder
Special Thanks to Melhelix from GOG forum.Who made this game possible for me!
This fix is no longer necessary.Scroll is working properly with new patch

During my game-play i ended up in place "somewhere far north". As most of u know ,u cant just stroll out of place ..
And as it happened one of my characters died.. now i do have Jaheira in party and her "Harper's call" is fixed by Beamdog in 2.0,so it is working.But as it happened she was only lvl 7 and did not have access to that spell..
But i had a scroll of rise dead tho..which turned out not to work.. go figure..
Problem with scroll was that it was targeting "live people" instead of dead ones..
So here its fixed one ..tested and working fine.
Just unpack and put the file SCRL63.ITM inside your "override" folder
Special Thanks to Melhelix from GOG forum.Who made this game possible for me!
Post edited by SomeoneElse on
This fix is no longer necessary.Scroll is working properly with new patch