Safana romance (spoilers)

Is it possible to 'complete' the Safana romance? I gave her a love poem in chapter 11 (I think) which impressed and she's dropped hints about further development, but then that was it until the end of the game when she says she's leaving because I'm an evil spawn of Bhaal (it felt like this was deliberately scripted to result in me having the party which ends up in the dungeon at the start of BG2).
In my playtrough the next step after the poem was her telling me I was a lousy kisser and she's been kissing the bard Voghiln ever since. She was pretty confrontational about that and you have to express a reaction. Probably failed the quest here as she didn't speak ever again. There was no line about leaving the group because I was an evil bhaalspawn. When does she say it?
The only one who spoke to me in the jail cell was Corwin whom I used for a few minutes only.
The next step in the romance with Safana is supposed to happen after you escape the castle basement bypassing Einer and Bertor.
Trying to kiss Safana immediately after reciting the poem has extremely negative effects but I don't think they are fatal. It leads to a unique event involving Voghiln.