Trouble installing SCS

I'm using The BiG World to try and install some mods, specifically SCS.
It downloads no problem, but when trying to install I keep getting this;
It downloads no problem, but when trying to install I keep getting this;
ERROR: error loading [ag#dsalt.2da]What is going wrong? What can I do to fix it? Any help would be much appreciated.
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "ag#dsalt.2da")
Initialise mod (all other components require this) (Sword Coast Stratagems) was not installed due to errors.
You can try to repair the problem and start the installation of the component
again. In this case please select "retry" after the repair.
If you don't want to spent
time for that now, you can also continue without the component or exit the
program. The BiG World Setup will continue with the installation of that component.
Enter [r]etry, [c]ontinue or [e]xit.