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Skill point limitations in BG 1

BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Hi everyone

After being a bit down when I got the mail from Beamdog about the delay, I bought the GOG version and tried my hands on Tutu and the widescreen mod.
Just to tie me over until BG:EE. :-)

I played the original Vanilla BG all the way back when I was a young guy, wet behind the ears, and it was my entry to AD&D, although I'm sad to admit that I never completed the game back then, can't recall why.

Well, now I'm having a blast with it, but there's a thing that puzzles me a bit, and it might just be the way the rules work, I'm hoping someone here might be able to clear it up for me.
When my characters, both CHARNAME and followers, level up, every other level they get a point to spent on a chosen proficiency.
Now, I know there's limits on which proficiencies are available for the different classes, but when I'm leveling my characters, I'm not allowed to get beyond two points in any of my weapons proficiencies, (for example the Longsword Proficiency).
I would have liked to use a point extra on that one instead of wasting a point on one I'm not interested in using.

My fighter is currently level 4.

Is it just me that are impatient, and I'll get the option later according to core rules, or is it a bug somehow introduced by a mod?


  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited September 2012
    Well, you are using TuTu which I am proudly not familiar with. But that shouldn't change things here.

    Only warrior classes can get two proficiencies unless stated otherwise (e.g. Swashbuckler's melee weapons). And for that matter, only specifically *fighters* (not rangers or paladins) can get beyond two. Fighters should be able to get 3-5. Upon rolling a Level 1 character, you can't go beyond 2. But the moment you hit Fighter level 3 you should be able to get something up to 3. Which seems to be your case, so I'm a little confused as well.

    (Also, even multi-class fighters can only get 2 proficiencies.)
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    Yeah, I'm playing a pure Fighter, haven't yet dared to dabble in Dual Class or Multi Class yet, might make the leap when I play BG:EE.

    Well, I'm assuming then that I'll get the option sooner or later to allocate more points in Longsword. Might happen in a couple of levels then. I haven't read up on the rules, as I thought it'll be easier to ask here, as there's so many people that seems to know all the rules by heart. :-)

    Thank you for your input. :-)
  • ginger_hammerginger_hammer Member Posts: 160
    At first level, the maximum number of slots that can be put into one weapon is two limiting the warrior to Specialized. This means that a fighter must be at least 9th level before having sufficient slots to become a Grand Master.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Btw, if you're playing with Tutu, grab the BG2 Tweaks mod so you can install the "True Grandmastery" component.

    BG2 nerfed Mastery weapon proficiencies from the original game.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    Ahh, thank you guys. :-)

    I'll get that BG2 tweak.
    But if I can't get Grand Master in weapon proficiencies before level 9, I'm wondering if it's really worth it. I'm assuming the level cap for fighters is lower than 9 in BG1?

    I currently haven't a plan to import my char into BG2, as I'm gonna start a new game when BG:EE is finally released, and I would like to try one of the kits in that.

    I've played some PnP RPG some time ago, but we used the 3.5 Edition, and things are a bit different in BG with 2. Edition...
    I've learned something new here, so that's cool. :-)

    Man, I can't wait 'till November, I'm really getting into the game, and it will be great to fire up a game on the pc, and continue on my iPad. I have a long commute to work.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Yeah, level cap for Fighters is Level 8.

    Also, you might appreciate this:'s_Gate:_Progression_Charts#Proficiency_Benefits
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    Interesting reading, thank you, it's bookmarked for later use. :-)
    So according to that chart I'll only get one more point to spend on weapon proficiency at level 6, and will hit the level cap before gaining the next.

    Reading the forum here, though, there's an indication that we might get a higher level cap in BG:EE due to the new adventure Y and maybe also due to the Black Pit, (if the xp carries into the normal game from that).
    That'll change things up a bit, if that'll turn out to be the case.
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