Blades hands down. Bards in general kind of suck in this edition of the ruleset, atleast Blades can hold their own with their amazing spin abilities and two weapon style point allocation while being able to self/party buff also. Hear'Dalis.
Worth noting that if the HLA improved bard song didn't exist, then my pick may have been skalds.. but yeah.. any bard can now do the party wide combat buffing, so the kit at its core and what it personally can do above the others is what matters to me.
Considering the amount of Bard and Jester specific gear in SoD, I am tempted to try one of them someday also.</p>
I can understand that some players are biased toward bard class/kits based on their gaming experiences in BG games. I guess for the first couple of playthroughs it is not exactly fun to roll a Charname Skald and during battles just sing in the background while your NPCs do all the heavylifting. So I understand why Blade, being the most direct combat orientated kit, is the most popular kit of them all ( and with Hear'Dalis being the closest to the Fighter/Mage NPC in game). But IWD is a different beast alltogether. And Bards in IWD are just great. From their abilites to their specific gear, bards rock. Skalds really shine in meele heavy game. Jesters are great for crowd control. Vanilla bards get the Imperial March and Blades are F/M with a twist.
4 Bards, A Cleric and a Pizza Place Mage/Thief for my next IWD playthrough, you've convinced me
Fair enough. Truth be told I've never really been all that interested in the idea of IWD and have never played it more than about the first town. I've been told and read around the place that it's basically a giant dungeon crawl, which has never sounded interesting to me. Maybe I'll fire it up again one day.
Blades hands down. Bards in general kind of suck in this edition of the ruleset, atleast Blades can hold their own with their amazing spin abilities and two weapon style point allocation while being able to self/party buff also. Hear'Dalis.
Worth noting that if the HLA improved bard song didn't exist, then my pick may have been skalds.. but yeah.. any bard can now do the party wide combat buffing, so the kit at its core and what it personally can do above the others is what matters to me.
Considering the amount of Bard and Jester specific gear in SoD, I am tempted to try one of them someday also.</p>
Skalds really shine in meele heavy game. Jesters are great for crowd control. Vanilla bards get the Imperial March and Blades are F/M with a twist.
Haha oh man, I wish there was a way to get the Imperial March to play while using Bard Song!
Imagine how much more epic you'd feel marching across the countryside, slaughtering kobolds and xvarts with the Imperial March blasting away. Solo Blackguard wielding The Burning Earth (or another flaming sword) with a squad of musicians following him to provide the soundtrack. Sarevok might crap his pants and surrender due to your sheer badassery.
Pizza PlaceMage/Thief for my next IWD playthrough, you've convinced meImagine how much more epic you'd feel marching across the countryside, slaughtering kobolds and xvarts with the Imperial March blasting away. Solo Blackguard wielding The Burning Earth (or another flaming sword) with a squad of musicians following him to provide the soundtrack. Sarevok might crap his pants and surrender due to your sheer badassery.