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[Feature Request] Add a 'Quick Fill' option to all inventory Bags & pouches.

00zim0000zim00 Member Posts: 267
Not sure if its already been suggested and I just couldn't find it but i thought of an idea to help with inventory management and wanted to share.

[Copied from Redmine]


I would like to request for a button to be added to all Bags & pouches in game. That when pressed places all items that can be placed in it from that NPCs inventory into the Bag/Pouch.

Example of Behavior

1. Click on Dorn and press (I) for inventory.
2. Note Dorn has 10 random gems in his inventory
3. Right click gem back which is also in his inventory.
4. Press "Quick Fill".
5. All gems in Dorn's inventory are placed into the gem bag.

-If the bag is full or will become full it wont add all the items and will tell you with the generic bag full pop up.
-Does the same for all types of bags, Scroll Case, Potion Bag, Bag of Holding, ect.
-Doesn't add items from other characters inventory.
-Doesn't remove items from your quick slots.
-Ignores quest items.
-Mock up image attached.

I spend so much time filling bags, clicking each scroll/gem/potion and arrows one by one to fill them and this would really cut down on inventory management time.

Maybe this is something which could just be done with a mod but I just thought it seems so simple it feels like a change that might be great for the EE versions. Especially on tablets it would be very helpful im sure.

Well, I say its simple to do but im no modder so maybe its harder then it seems. Either way curious on peoples opinions and thought I would put the idea out to you all. :)


  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    edited April 2016
    You could add a link to this discussion topic in to the Notes section of your report so that they have a less formal place to observe feedback of the idea (And for members browsing Redmine to be able to discuss it somewhere). Also I like this idea a lot, so I +1 it!
  • 00zim0000zim00 Member Posts: 267
    @Franpa , Added. Not sure how much discussion this thread will have it seems 'feature request' is kinda slow compared to the other categories :P .
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 737
    I'm just going to bump this up because that would be incredibly useful.
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