Brand new to BGEE - need advice

I have played BG2 many times, but have never played the original. Anyway, I picked it up and am planning to play a full play through of 1 and 2. However, I just wanted to get the main story of BG1 so I'm going to create a party of 5 and bring Neera for romance. My question is, where to go first? What quests should I start with outside the Candlekeep prologue?
Have fun playing.
Spoilers -
Unlike Bg2 - the quests and story chapters - are a bit more free - wander around the BG world and explore and adventure. There is a lot to explore so have fun exploring and adventuring - the chapter story progression will happen as you move through the story and game. There is relatively few time constraint quests - unless you pick up a few NPCs and even then they will warn you a few times before actually leaving. You will be able to tell from the quests which quests are the major ones that will advance into the next chapter.
Chapter 2 semi spoiler -
Follow the natural progression of the story as it unfolds for you is probably the most entertaining way to play and explore the world.
Remember you are level 1 - and that means you are quite squishy regardless of your class - a mage only has 8 hp and a fighter maybe 14hp or so - which you probably have already figured out -- a wolf will eat you for breakfast if you are not careful and fighting a bear is not something you want to do really. Since you are coming from Bg2 - where you start at level 7- this means you skipped over all the growing pains of trying to keep a low level character alive - its actually quite fun to do and brings to light the need for tactics and strategy when battling encounters.
Missile weapons are your best friends for combat (unlike in bg2 only moderately useful)- equip everyone if possible with some form of it - it will keep you safe for longer. And certain level 1 spells (that have no use in bg2) actually shine in BG1.
Try out all the NPCs - not all have quests like those in BG2 - the personal quests are rather simple in comparison.
Have fun exploring.
I play a female PC and if there is a romance with either D or R - then it is so subtle that it is not there at all.