BGEE patch?

So, I just purchased/downloaded BGEE & SoD. SO much info on this site, it's a bit overwhelming.
I haven't played yet, but is there a patch that I need to add for BGEE 1st? Any for SoD?
If there are patches, where exactly would I find them? I clicked on where it said 2.0 patch under GAMES (BGEE) & didn't notice it.
I haven't played yet, but is there a patch that I need to add for BGEE 1st? Any for SoD?
If there are patches, where exactly would I find them? I clicked on where it said 2.0 patch under GAMES (BGEE) & didn't notice it.
Each platform should have ways to inform you there is an update and let you download it. Gog does not yet have the new 2.1 patch that was released yesterday - if you have that, I would suggest to wait to start yet, as there were many fixes included, and starting g fresh is always better if you can choose.
That said, have fun! I wish I could erase memory and explore baldurs gate like never played before :-)
Also you really dont have to wait imo, especially if your just wanting to play BG:EE before SoD. As most of the 'major bugs' were in sod being a new game not so much BG:EE. At least not anything that will ruin your game in just a few days of playing before the patch comes out for gog.
But I read elsewhere that in order to play SoD, you *had* to get BG:EE. So I did.
You can the chose to either start up bg1, play to the end, import in SoD and play on, or start up SoD, chose to play bg1 first and the go on with SoD directly from there. The only difference is that you have the SoD black stone interface style in bg1 content already, while when going with the original game first you get blue stone interface for that part.
If you really want to start with SoD alone, ignoring the bg1 content (I wouldn't miss that when not playing for such a long time), you can do that too by starting SoD and choosing the SoD button in the main menu. You get a standard party to start with then. But in this very case, I really would wait for 2.1, just to be sure. When going bg1 first, you could indeed start with 2.0 and then update in the process.
If I wanna play SoD properly, it's best if I play BG:EE 1st (all the way through & after I get the 2.0 patch from GOG ) then move on to SoD. That right?
Buying the games:
– BG1:EE can be bought alone.
– BG:SoD is licence wise an expansion of BG1:EE (that's in the contract of beamdog to be allowed to do the game at all, no rip off plan), so you have to own BG1:EE first to be entitled to buy BG.SoD.
Content in the games:
– BG1:EE contains all the content that once was in original BG1+TotSC-Expansion and some new Characters and quests that were added for EE. The user interface here looks similar to the original game ("blue stone").
– BG:SoD now contains *all* of the above (read: the whole BG1:EE) + what's new in SoD. The user interface has a new look ("black stone"). Patch level and usability wise they are completely equal, it's just the looks and the content.
So you now can chose to either:
a) Start the BG1:EE game (with "blue stone"), and play from candlekeep until the end of the original game. Then quit the game, start BG:SoD and load the final save provided by your BG1:EE game. SoD takes over your character and party and you play the SoD part of the game.
b) If you don't care too much about somewhat originial look of the interface, you could just start up BG:SoD, then within the game you get the option to first play the BG1:EE content, so you start in Candlekeep as well, and when you finish the original content, you transit over to the SoD content seamslessly.
c) You can start BG:SoD only by starting the SoD game and chosing to start with that part. Then you generate a new char directly there and get some default party, as you can of course not import any party from your BG1 play.
In case b and c, you actually don't need to have BG1:EE installed at all and save the space, as all its content is included in SoD as well (with some small setbacks like missing non-english dubs currently that may be not relevant to you).
(then, when having finished SoD, you can import that final save over to BG2:EE and go on.)
Whether you want to play BG1 again or not its of course your decision, but BG is known for high re-playability, as you never get to see all the content in one play through. Combine that with the fact you played that game years ago and may have forgotten stuff, and also keeping in mind that BG1:EE has additional new content not seen before, you may consider it's worth playing it again before starting SoD. Also, BG is about developing a character from level 1 to god – it feels somewhat better role playing wise to be with him from start till end, not starting somewhere in between and therefor without a "past".
Also, playing the BG1 part in version 2.0 is rather save, while playing SoD in 2.0 is still some risk to run into bugs spoiling the game (not everyone does, but it can happen). As 2.1 patch is out but not yet delivered to your platform, if you play BG1:EE you can start right away, while if you want to play SoD only, it may be wise to wait a few days for 2.1 before you start.
I think for old time's sake I do wanna play BG again & then go to SoD. Stretch out my gaming time. By the time I'm done with BG, the 2.1 for SoD will have long been out.