Spell question: Harper's call spell

Jaheira gets a resurrection spell called the "Harper's call" and iirc, the spell changed the character's alignment to true neutral. Does this work as per the spell description? Also, will it turn the alignment of evil characters AND let them stay in your party even at the highest reputation? For example - if you travel with Edwin, he happens to die in battle and Jaheira resurrects via Harper's call: now, if the above is true, you could keep him, despite a rep of 20, right? I guess the same goes for good NPCs to be kept in an evil party.
Has anyone tried, or just tested that?
Has anyone tried, or just tested that?
(xD I'm just messin)
Just saying.
Also, druids can use divine scrolls. It's worth toting around a handful of lesser restoration scrolls, even if you're a cleric. Frees up spell slots for more useful things. Like Negative Plane Protection, so you don't get level-drained in the first place.
Druid's arbitrary 14->15 grind is why Jaheira and any multi-class fighter/druid sucks. It's already a big enough leap from 14 to 15. While it does effectively give you 7 levels worth of spells when you finally do hit it, it won't be for 6 million xp.