BGEE v2.1 Unable to install SCS v30

in BG:EE Mods
I've tried several times selecting different options during install but it always ends with "NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS". Anybody know what needs to be done to work around this? I saw a solution to BGEE v2.0 and followed those instructions with no success.
i don't believe that amazing mod will work with the new version properly even if you will succeeded with the installation, even with the 1.3 version he had some major problems.
Has far as i searched the web for any update regarding this mod i didn't found any one that are working on it (if you reading this ohh great programmer please update poor us
The hotfix worked for me with SCS v30 and BGEE v2.0.
There's one issue I've encountered with the component that removes dispelling arrows, I've posted a solution here