Returning to previous areas?

After completing the first map (the one with the Dwarven clerics, the "Black Pits," and the menhirs), I traveled to the northern map. Now it seems that I can't travel back to the first map or access the Cloakway Forest to the west. When will I be able to return?
BG1 was the best, since the game was much more "open world" to an extent.
That's how the plot of the extension works. You can use the console to teleport back to old areas and it shouldn't break the quests that are out of the camp I think.
And, there was another part of the game when I went further and dialogue boxes came up saying something to the effect of, 'You ran out of time doing X quest' and I couldn't go back to that area.
There doesn't to be anything indicating a point of no return where you will be locked out of content. It just happens. I spent a lot of time reloading, even going as far back as doing complete sections just to finish stuff off. The stone statues is one that comes to mind. I went as far as hiring Khalid and decided to go back and finish off the statues only to find out that I couldn't.
Steam has me at around 24 hours with finishing the game, however I spent a solid 8-10 hours of re-loading and redoing areas again.