Cannot rest in Dragonspear Castle?

Sorry if I am missing something really obvious, but my protagonist has very few spells left, I want to fight Caelar's right hand woman one on one but cannot without any spells. I cannot rest anywhere on the map, cannot leave the area and the NPC who does the special rest during the siege at the coalition camp which rejuvenates spells etc. doesn't seem to be around. Is there anywhere I can rest?
Thanks for any help.
That said, I do NOT think we can fault the devs for forcing the player to do something that is supported story-wise. SoD is a D&D game. DMs do this kind of thing in D&D all the time, as the campaign calls for it. I think it's a good design decision to enforce that kind of thing.
Focus your casters on debuff and control, save your spells and special abilities for the harder fights, let the coalition fighters pull their weight, and make use of the ample potions ans scrolls the game provides. I have a few issues with the game, but the big battles were a high point imo.
As far as balance goes...
1) You don't need to spearhead the initial charge into courtyard, your allies can handle the majority of enemies there by themselves. Bonus points if you have previously weakened Crusade's ranks and bolstered your own.
2) If you didn't make poor decisions during the camp defense sequence (two of the team selection options there seemed pretty obvious to me), you shouldn't have needed all the magical rest usages provided by Dosia.
3) During the siege she stands behind the lines, and is protected by a group of powerful mages, making it hard for enemies to reach her.
Also note that Core is not even the default difficulty level, Normal is. If you play on higher difficulties, things do get progressively harder, but that's kinda the whole point, isn't it.
I'm not saying you should play it that way, but the fight is easily winnable if you don't underestimate your allies. As for resting, Dosia is also there to provide her rejuvenation power (she stays well behind you and is a little hard to spot) - I used it twice during the camp defense and was still able to use it during the siege.