Feather of planter code for quest Neera... Need it.

Hello community, im know where is located this item
If im sure the mage of thay got it near the bridge location, so i kill them all, probably picked up but i dont have it now... maybe i sell it, maybe drop it but i can't found it again. Please someone tell me the code of this because in google and this website i can only find the code for silkweb spider...
I trying to get it by EE Keeper but it is funny... EE Keeper don't have half items in DB, its seems its dont got from SoD.
If im sure the mage of thay got it near the bridge location, so i kill them all, probably picked up but i dont have it now... maybe i sell it, maybe drop it but i can't found it again. Please someone tell me the code of this because in google and this website i can only find the code for silkweb spider...
I trying to get it by EE Keeper but it is funny... EE Keeper don't have half items in DB, its seems its dont got from SoD.
If that is so, you indeed need a code for that item. And sorry, but I don't really know what is it. I've tried to find it as well...
You can return to that area with cheats.
For Area Name, type "Boareskyrbridge & Bridgefort", or BD2000
Make a thorough search again. I'm sure you'll find the item you need.
I had the same problem. You can find the original thread here.
(big shout-out to @justtravelinthrough for that)
Of course i don't have to finish that quest, but i love Neera "content" she's for me best character and i can romance with her :P
I still think your best chance is to find the item on the bridge map. If you dropped it, then tough luck. IF you sold it, maybe some of the merchants have it?
Thanks a lot bro !
@aleks922 Thanks for trying anyway
Try dropping everything in your inventory except for the feather, get rid of your party members, and then load the save - if it's a resource error, that should guarantee that only that item code gets displayed in the error message.
EDIT: lol, I just scrolled up and saw that someone had it solved. Oh well, maybe the Keeper info will be helpful to someone else.