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Missing Drow (spoliers)

I found the two missing drow adolescents and they ran off. I later found them above ground hanging out with the orcs.

I went to the adult drow and had 3 options to report

1) Monsters killed them
2) I killed them
3) they ran off, couldn't stop them, dont worry they'll probably come back eventually

They are angry and attack no matter what I say.

I chose option 3). My journal update says that I told the drow their children were dead, which is incorrect. Is they any way around this and are the drow possible allies for later?


  • AzzaraAzzara Member Posts: 184
    I think they reward you if you return them but it's too late if the runaways escape to the surface. I failed this quest too.
  • pwaringpwaring Member Posts: 81
    You have to meet the adult drow first, then the children. If you perform the quest in that order you will get an appropriate dialogue option (with the children) and a reward (from the adults).
  • sera4sera4 Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2016
    I did meet the adult drow first and then the children

    The journal is saying I told them I killed them. But I didnt tell them that. Is there a fix through the console somehow
  • Metal_HurlantMetal_Hurlant Member Posts: 324
    What option did you say to the drow children? Sounds like you didn't say the option for them to go back to the adults.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    edited April 2016
    Did the teens give you their insignias before running off to the surface? If you return to Shapur without those, she'll attack regardless of what you say.
    If you told them about the drow search party, it should inevitably lead to obtaining the insignias. Otherwise, if you just told them to get lost, they do exactly that.
    If you want to avoid the fight with drow party, you can summon the item via C:CreateItem("bdinsigr") console command, it shouldn't break anything.

    The journal entry saying they're dead when it's not the case appears to be indeed incorrect (we'll fix it), but otherwise is pretty harmless.
  • SeveronSeveron Member Posts: 214
    When I came across the Drow War Party and they told me of their missing Drow...I jus thought..... "Ah crap"..
    I had discovered them earlier, saved them but got nothing from them. No quest or anything. So I thought, ok, might be a Viconia thing then. So I reloaded and instead of going for the Ankheg. I killed the Drow instead.
    Much more rewarding. I got their Drow gear from them. As it turns out, I reckon the "reward" had I found the Drow would have been the Bracers Shapur had on her. So I think from now on, I'll just kill the Drow.

    (I realise after typing this, that I've pretty much openly admitted to killing Drow Children. Does my alignment shift from Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Evil?)
  • sera4sera4 Member Posts: 17
    Ardanis said:

    The journal entry saying they're dead when it's not the case appears to be indeed incorrect (we'll fix it).

    Great, thanks!
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    Severon said:

    When I came across the Drow War Party and they told me of their missing Drow...I jus thought..... "Ah crap"..
    I had discovered them earlier, saved them but got nothing from them. No quest or anything. So I thought, ok, might be a Viconia thing then. So I reloaded and instead of going for the Ankheg. I killed the Drow instead.
    Much more rewarding. I got their Drow gear from them. As it turns out, I reckon the "reward" had I found the Drow would have been the Bracers Shapur had on her. So I think from now on, I'll just kill the Drow.

    (I realise after typing this, that I've pretty much openly admitted to killing Drow Children. Does my alignment shift from Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Evil?)

    Generally speaking, Drow are considered "always chaotic evil" so you can kill as many as you like.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Whereabouts are these children? I can't find them. :(
  • pwaringpwaring Member Posts: 81
    They're in the bottom left corner of the underground river map.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I found them at last at the ogre encampment. :)
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356

    I found them at last at the ogre encampment. :)

    Ah ... that implies that you had already met them before (and saved them from the hostile Ankheg, and then let them go on their way). If you found them there without ever meeting them before, then you've found a bug.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @Gallowglass That explains things. I have killed some Ankheg and somebody spoke to me about being rescued. I didn't know that it was the drow. Next time I play, I will. :)
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