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SOD into BG2EE. What carries over?

1: Once finishing SOD, do the new npcs carry over into BG2EE?
2: Do all the stats on npcs carry over should you have them in BGEE and SOD?
3: Should I Dual class Imoen earlier in BGEE, does that carry over?


  • Incantus89Incantus89 Member Posts: 28
    Nothing besides a few items carry over atm.
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    Theyve said that they are considering carrying NPC stat and level up choices over to BG2. No new NPCs carry over yet, but if demand is there fpr particular NPCs that may change
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,061
    Does anyone know if SoD changes the previous item carry overs from BGEE to BG2EE? I am referring to the item list from the former patch notes, including weapons, armor, etc.?
  • DivineBloodDivineBlood Member Posts: 32
    Thanks guys. I really hope they do it. This gives incentive to play the entire storyline though propperly so you can customise your game and be rewarded for hard work :O.
  • JurisJuris Member Posts: 113
    I was wondering about this myself. I realize you lose a bunch of items at the start of BGII so the item loss isn't as big a deal as the plot of SoD.

    Specifically, Skie. Seems like they create a pretty big loose thread with her. The soultaker dagger is (I believe) actually in BG2 so... shouldn't there be something about getting her soul back?
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