Borderlands 2

Anyone else have it? I got a copy. It's a blast. Quite a bit improved on the first one (which I also enjoyed) and it's worth playing for the trillions of hilarious pop culture references alone.
If anyone else has it and wants to play together sometime, let me know. My highest dude is an Assassin at 27, and I've got a Gunzerker at 9. If people wanted to try out new dudes, I'm down for that too.
If anyone else has it and wants to play together sometime, let me know. My highest dude is an Assassin at 27, and I've got a Gunzerker at 9. If people wanted to try out new dudes, I'm down for that too.
*notices person's username*
Almost fell for the bait. Almost.
@aosaw: I was planning on doing the same. I fell into a free copy of the game, though. Brother got two copies of it for his birthday, one from his wife and the other from co-workers. He re-gifted one of them to me as an early-early birthday gift (mine is in November.)
But, yes. Some encounters were clearly not designed with the solo player in mind. I'm okay with that, though. They aren't insurmountable, just challenging.
Which characters are "just terrible?" Not sure what you mean by that.
Waiting until all the DLC is out in some bundle edition. That way all issues will probably have been patched by then.