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Continue with 1.3 or upgrade to 2.1?

I was playing a heavily modded BGEE 1.3 game in February. When I heard that a big upgrade would be coming soon, though, I decided to put off continuing that game. But now I'm thinking that I might be better off just sticking with 1.3, finishing the game, and then exporting to SoD once it's finished (presumably upgrading to 2.x at that time).

I guess I'm mainly concerned about: (a) issues and bugs associated with 2.1 that others have mentioned (including the new UI), and (b) worries about reinstalling the relevant mods to continue the game in 2.1.



  • NatregNatreg Member Posts: 100
    I'm waiting for 2.1 to get at least another patch and see if it fixes several things before starting a playthrough, but if you have already started a game, you probably should stick to 1.3 for now. The only things you will miss will be the shaman class which you won't use anyway since you have already started the playthrough, and the new UI which still needs a few fixes here and there

    2.1 is still buggy right now. Maybe you should upgrade before the final batle since you go directly into SoD that way, but probably any dialogue added by your mods for that final battle will be missed that way.

  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Natreg said:

    Maybe you should upgrade before the final batle since you go directly into SoD that way, but probably any dialogue added by your mods for that final battle will be missed that way.

    Huh. Is there any difference (in terms of content) between importing an old BGEE (1.3) saved game into SoD, and going directly from BGEE (2.x) into SoD?
  • QuiqueQuique Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2016
    It depends, if you wish to have a stable run through the first game and fulfilling whatever your character destiny was, play 1.3. Keep in mind you might run into some bugs when you import that game to the next relatively bug-free release as the mechanical way several things work has been changed (Coran's quest comes to mind).

    That said, I installed the new version from scratch when it was released (deleted 1.3, too much hope, maybe?) and besides some journal issues, I've found no real game breaking bug in single player so far. Plus you can help everyone by reporting bugs in redmine :smiley:
  • insanityv2insanityv2 Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2016

    Huh. Is there any difference (in terms of content) between importing an old BGEE (1.3) saved game into SoD, and going directly from BGEE (2.x) into SoD?

    There is no difference if you are importing a SAVE, and your old BGEE1.3 party will be ported over in its entirety to the first SOD dungeon.

    However, if you import your CHARACTER, you will lose all the stuff you had equipped to your party.

    My recommendation is to get to

    1. Get to Sarevok.
    2. Drop any items that were added by mods. Kick any party members who have been altered by mods (custom races/classes/etc.). I don't know which mods you have so no specific advice there.
    3. Kill Sarevok, export ur save.
    4. Uninstall and delete ur BGEE folder
    5. Do a clean install of BGEE+SOD
    6. Import your BGEE exported save.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I would honest wait to complete your current game before updating. But it is definitely worth updating now the 2.1 patch is out
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