Can a god of murder be anything but evil aligned - probably not. Although the closest possibility would be a slightly more benevolent god of murder, not a good god but perhaps a neutral evil one who might not relish in the mayhem of murder as did Bhaal.
Kelemvor made a very nice lawful neutral god of Death, despite Mirkul (his predecessor) be an evil god of Dead.
Bhaal was the god of Murder because he was an Evil god of Death. His alignment and outlook on life shaped the form of which his godly portfolio took. A Good god of Death would thus probably manifest the same portfolio as a god of Passing Quietly in Your Bed After a Long Fulfilling Life With Your Near and Dear at Your Side To Say Goodbye. Or more likely something not quite as hyperbolic, but you get the gist of it.
In a similar manner, a Neutral god of Death might be more of a straight forward god of Ends.
Exactly. Murder isn't the portfolio of Bhaal but only his title. The portfolio is death (mortality).
Exactly. Murder isn't the portfolio of Bhaal but only his title. The portfolio is death (mortality).