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collecting Dalton's corpse before meeting his mother

YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
edited November 2012 in Fixed
I visited Durlag's Tower before Ulgoth's Beard and got Dalton's corpse but when I spoke to his mother Therella at Ulgoth's Beard, she told me about the disappearance of her son but I just could't give his body back.

You should be able to give the body back to her, even if you didn't know whose body it was when you collected it.
Post edited by Tanthalas on


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    i agree, i remember i would usually forget to talk to her before i went to durlags tower, and i would save dalton and then i would go to her and she would say the same thing, that her son was missing and i was like noope i saved him, but of coarse she couldnt hear me through my computer screen, oh well her loss i guess
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    And Minsc had been carrying the corpse all the way for nothing, haha ;)
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    What is the item name of Dalton's corpse?
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    I was looking for that myself in the MISC's particularly the TotSC ones- came up empty-handed. Still looking into that...
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    the dlg never checks for a corpse from what I could see, and there is no corpse item named Dalton
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    edited July 2012
    It looks like there is no corpse... may have been Samuel's corpse Minsc was lugging about. hehe... But Therella's reactions to news of her son's death or rescue do factor into it. I think I may have stumbled onto the issue... Dead("Daltan")... Since there is no Daltan, well, no reaction either... Oh, wait, already been found elsewhere hehe... Nothing like re-decoding the Egyptian hieroglyphics...
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    Sadly I don't think I still have got the old save with the corpse in Minsc's inventory but I might have a look if it could be of any help?
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    I'm sorry, I just checked and I now remember I deleted all of the old saves when I started a new game, since I had had another bug with this game (key items disappearing after the NPC carrying them was killed during a fight). :/
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    edited July 2012
    he has a corpse? how did you make that possible? was it from breaking the mirror? i've only ever done that once, usually i just rush in the demonknight and slam his chowder and break the mirror after when he dies :) and i've never seen dalton dead
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2012
    I actually didn't remember the name of the young guy, I took it from this website: Maybe they got the name wrong as @Bhryaen mentionned a Samuel?

    It's been a while ago so I don't really remember much of the fight with the demon, just that it was a taugh time and I found a body when it was over. I've started a new game but too much work at the moment and not much time to play so I don't know when my party will join the Durlag Tower (and actually I'm playing one normal level and right after one level with BGT + the NPC Pack to compare so it'll take even longer).

    Just found this on the website I mentionned above: "Therella and Dalton
    After defeating the Demonknight talk to Dalton up on the E side of the chamber. Say Therella sent you to find him and he will leave. Return to Therella in Ulgoth's Beard."

    Didn't know he could actually be rescued, d'oh!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    yeah that quest is actually kinda broken, if you speak to dalton first without speaking to therella first then you cant say that therella sent you and he will just run out randomly and when you go back to therella she still says her son is gone or some jargon, i think thats something they need to fix
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    Yorleen may also have been having Minsc lug around Chelak's body (MISC90)- the one that you have to beg Tenya for (if you haven't killed her) in the BG City Umberlee Temple. For sure though Dalton has no corpse to offer. He just kinda dies if he dies... The script doesn't record him properly though, so if he dies, it looks as if "Daltan" died, and since, well, there is no Daltan, only a Dalton, Mom Therella doesn't notice. Or rather we're not able to tell her. Anyway... the bug has been noted... ;-)
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    lol indeed state 14 trigger Dead("Daltan")... that was fixed in dudleyfix though I guess? It's fixed by default in BGT
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    Bhryaen said:

    Anyway... the bug has been noted... ;-)

    Thanks! ;)
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    @Tanthalas and another fixed ;)
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    The quest is fixed, but Dalton's corpse never existed.
  • DeviijaDeviija Member Posts: 37
    Don't mean to resurrect a slightly older thread, but I completed Durlag's Tower yesterday, prior to the patch, and ended up with the same issue.

    I finished the tower before going to Ulgoth's Beard. I killed the Demonknight without the use of the mirror. I talked to Dalton, told him he was free and to run away/go home. He fled. I left the room, talked to Clair, then exited the tower via the ghost. I then went to Ulgoth's Beard, killed the cultists that steal the dagger, and headed up to talk to Therella. She told me about her son and I accepted her request to save him. Conversation ended. I talk to her again and she just comments something to the effect of 'please hurry and save my son.' That's where it ends. No reward, no closure.

  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    Damn I hate to Necro this thread but this exact thing happened to me

    Quest should be finish-able without talking to Daltons mother first :(
  • MikkelMikkel Member Posts: 86
    Deviija said:

    Don't mean to resurrect a slightly older thread, but I completed Durlag's Tower yesterday, prior to the patch, and ended up with the same issue.

    I finished the tower before going to Ulgoth's Beard. I killed the Demonknight without the use of the mirror. I talked to Dalton, told him he was free and to run away/go home. He fled. I left the room, talked to Clair, then exited the tower via the ghost. I then went to Ulgoth's Beard, killed the cultists that steal the dagger, and headed up to talk to Therella. She told me about her son and I accepted her request to save him. Conversation ended. I talk to her again and she just comments something to the effect of 'please hurry and save my son.' That's where it ends. No reward, no closure.

    Still an issue, I'm not sure why this is listed as fixed?
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    We've got a ticket open for this.
  • Demonoid_LimewireDemonoid_Limewire Member Posts: 424
    How to get to Durlag's Tower, before Ulgoth's Beard?
  • noabodynoabody Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2014
    sarevok57 said:

    i agree, i remember i would usually forget to talk to her before i went to durlags tower, and i would save dalton and then i would go to her and she would say the same thing, that her son was missing and i was like noope i saved him, but of coarse she couldnt hear me through my computer screen, oh well her loss i guess

    I have the DnD Anthology installed as the Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT), went to Durlag's Tower, and saved Dalton before ever talking to Therella in Ulgoth's Beard which broke that quest. The solution, if you have the cheat console enabled, is to input the command:


    I found that using NearInfinity in State 6 of DALTON.DLG
  • carlostincacarlostinca Member Posts: 11
    Sorry for revive this. But i had the same problem and cant find a solution here (and i want to add mine).

    If you have the console available, put this:


    You can talk to him and send back to his mother. At least for it worked.

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