Prime requisite for BG2 sorcerer?

When creating a character the info box tells one that intelligence is the prime requisite for a sorcerer in bg2? I was under the impression that a sorcerers spells came via charisma?
The Intelligence requisite is more academic than anything.
A sorcerer gets a specific number of spells known, which can't be changed. You learn new spells when you gain levels, but that's it.'s_Gate:_Progression_Charts#Sorcerer
If you already knew this, sorry.
And you really can't beat the number of spells per day (it's usually about half again what you'd get as a wizard).
Sorcerers don't really need any ability score, you could make a sorcerer with melee stats but that'd be silly because he can't use armor or weapons. I usually end up giving them max int and wis anyway because it helps with identifying and lore...
As previously stated, int and char both have no impact on Sorcerer casting. There is a minimum int required to cast from scrolls though Wis had an impact on the options available in wish/limited wish but is otherwise irrelevant.
So overall - sorcerers can get away with crap stats all round because their class works that way. They're still bloody useful with good spell picks, but work best in tandem with a pure/spec mage due to limited spell choices.
Kind of adds an element of collection for a class whose versatility is limited, which is something I like about it.
Avoiding redundancy is key. Never have 2 spells that do the same job if you can help it.
In the BG games, a Sorcerer with straight 10s in every attribute is just as powerful a caster as a Sorcerer with straight 18s*.
*Only difference is: The guy with 18 WIS can cast Wish without chugging a potion first.
You would be correct IWD2 does infact use the 3e ruleset